part 9

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Five days past from walking and mostly everyone was exhausted, I felt even more tired as I carried Mia she was passed out again because of the constant walking. We decided to take a break and as we sat down Luke took a look at the map he had. Clem climb so rocks and pulled out some binoculars looking ahead.

Luke: See anything?

Alvin: She better see something, we've been walking for a damn week.

Clem: There's a bridge.

Luke: Does it look passable?

Clem: I think so.

Luke: Good.

Y/N: Anything else?

Clem: Yeah, a little house at the end of the bridge.

Carlos: How big is it?

Clem: Pretty small. There's a lift or something.

Luke: A chair lift? Must be the ski resort.

Clem: I've never been skiing.

Alvin: Bec and I been once.

Rebecca: It wasn't pretty.

Clem: There's a building on the mountain.

Y/N: Probably the ski resort.

Luke: Whats it look like?

Clem: Its big.

Luke: We should spend the night there.

Carlos: We have to cross the bridge. Lets go.

Y/N: No.

Carlos: What?

Y/N: We shouldn't all go, who knows whats there walkers, people who are unfriendly. Only two of us should go everyone else can rest.

Luke: I agree with Y/N, better safe than sorry.

Carlos: Then we split up is that really a good idea.

Y/N: Its never a good idea but I'd rather risk only two people than everyone.

Alvin: Whats the plan?

Luke: Y/N and I can scout out the bridge and signal you if its safe.

Carlos: Y/N should stay here. He's...

Luke: He's what?

Carlos: He's still a kid Luke.

Y/N: Its my idea, and I get to go.

Luke: See? Its going to be fine, okay? We'll signal you guys in ten miutes. Just watch for a light at the end of the bridge

Nick: I can go to.

Luke: You stay with the group.

Nick: I'm fine, Luke.

Carlos: I don't like this.

Luke: Yeah, well whens the last time you liked anything, Carlos?

Nick: If something happens I'll cover you.

Luke: Come on.

We left the group and headed to the bridge.

Luke: Hey, uh, sorry about that. I just could really use your eyes, and right now I really don't trust Nick to tie his own shoes. They're just still on edge after the Carver thing.

Y/N: Why would he still follow us after five days.

Luke: What's the most important thing in this world?

Y/N: Family.

Luke: Its a tough world out there without people you can trust. Anyways, you can ask Rebecca, okay? I'm not going to get in the middle of it. We've all made mistakes.

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