season 1 Part 1

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There was a iron smell that was lingering heavily in the air, and all I could hear was my own ragged breathing. Looking at my hands there was dried blood with wet blood dripping from my knuckles. Hearing a sound from upstairs I stood up and made my way up I passed by two bodies. The male body had two legs bending unnaturally with the left leg having a bone sticking out his right arm had a few bones sticking out. His face was unrecognizable it was caved in with his left eye out of the socket, but it was still attached. The female body was almost the same except one leg and arm being fine as well as for the face being almost untouched the jaw was hanging off, and a fire poker was through her stomach. Making it to the stairs I started going up until I was up at the top, and the was three doors I walked up to the closest one with the name Mia at the front. Opening the door there was a four year old girl playing with a doll she also had headphones on, so she couldn't hear what was going on downstairs but she turned towards the and saw me standing there she said.

Mia: Big brother?

Giving a smile I got down to her level and she walked up to me asking me a question.

Mia: Why are you messy?

Y/N: Mom and dad were being naughty so I put them in a... Time-out. We won't be seeing them for awhile.

She gave a nod and a smile, and went to give me a hug but I stopped her.

Y/N: Hold on there i'm still messy. How about this I'll get cleaned up while you pack some things that you want to bring along to see aunt Carley how does that sound?

She nodded and went to find her backpack as I walked to my room to find some clothes then wash up in the bathroom.

I was in the bathroom washing the blood off I also changed clothes (you choose what to wear) my hand started to sting a bit and I remembered that I busted my knuckles, so I disinfected my knuckles then found some bandages to wrap around my hands then looking in the mirror my h/c hair was a little long. Opening the bathroom door there was a bag with supplies against the wall, so I picked it up and went to my sister's room.

Opening the her door Mia was playing with her doll with a backpack she saw me and ran up giving me a hug, and I picked her up.

Y/N: Do you wanna see aunt Carley now?

She smiled and nodded and I started walking downstairs until I noticed that a body wasn't where it should be. Putting Mia on the stairs she looked confused.

Y\N: Mia I need you to close your eyes and cover your ears, and don't peak no matter what okay?

She covered her ears and closed her eyes as I walked down the stairs and saw my mother's body by my father's ripping his stomach open, and she seemed to have heard me as she turned around her eyes were gray and her skin was pale she had intestines in her mouth, but couldn't eat it because of the broken jaw. She got up and started walking towards me with the fire poker still in her stomach, and she tried reaching for me I pushed her back grabbing the fire poker in the process. She fell on her back as the poker slipped out I lifted up the poker slamming it on her face but she kept groaning I repeatedly slammed into her face until it was completely caved it. Grabbing some cloths I tries to clean some of the blood off until I felt like it was enough walking back to the stairs Mia still covered her ears as well as her eyes still being closed. Patting her head she uncovered her ears and opened her eyes I was blocking the sight behind me.

Y/N: Mia I need you to close your eyes I'll let you know when to open them okay?

Mia: Okay.

She smiled as she replied to me then closed her eyes I picked her up and headed towards the door.

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