Part 12

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When I woke up Mia was over with everyone else as they were talking I couldn't hear, so I got up and wandered over. 

Kenny: We should probably figure out who's doin' what before we- 

The gate started to open and I saw the radio on the table and I quickly slipped my hand past Kenny and grabbed the radio as I shoved it into my pocket. 

???: Time to get up. Daylight's burnin'. They let you sleep in, all things considered. 

Sarah: Where's my dad? 

???: He's where the rest of you are goin'. To work. Rebecca, Nick, Sarah, Jane... If you gotta take a piss, do it now. The next break won't be for a while. Troy will be coming up for the rest of you.  

Kenny: Why just them? 

???: Like I said... Troy's coming for the rest of you. 

They all left and the gate closed again leaving us alone again.

Kenny: Well I guess Y/N is taking the radio to Luke then. 

Mike: No offense, but c'mon, that's crazy, he's a kid why would--

Kenny: There's a million reasons. He knows Luke, he can hide.

Mike: Who cares.

Kenny: And I'm sorry Mike, but I don't know you from fuckin' Adam, all right? 

Y/N: It's already in my pocket 

Mike: Don't do something stupid just to get some respect. 

Y/N: Luke's already expecting me with the radio and he's sleep deprived, so when a random ass man shows up he fighting.

Before Mike said anything else the gate opened up again and Troy walked in.

Troy: All right little chickens, let's get to peckin' 

Mike: All right.

Troy: And don't think today's gonna be like yesterday. No way. No shenanigans. This rooster's gonna be surveilling your ass every second of the day. You hear? Got that? I'm afraid I'm gonna need an answer, boy.

Y/N: Yes sir. 

Troy: Come on.

We started walking back towards the same door that would get me to Luke fortunately Bonnie spoke up. 

Bonnie: Hey. Him and his sister is with me. 

Troy: Oh, shit. I almost forgot. 

Bonnie: Yeah. 

Troy: Well, take them then. I don't care.

He shoved me forwards with his gun while Mia quickly got to my side. 

Kenny: Wait, wait. What's goin' on?

Troy: Never mind.

Bonnie: Just chores of a different sort. Come on, you two.

Kenny: Can't you cut them a break? They'd rather keep with us... People they know. 

Y/N: Don't worry Kenny, I'm sure you three can hold down the fort. 

I followed Bonnie as we separated with Kenny, Clem and Mike.

Bonnie: I just wanted to make sure you two were all right. I didn't believe you... When you told me about Reggie. I ran and found Bill once I left you. Figured even if he had done it, he'd make up some sort of excuse, but... Bill was just so matter-of-fact about it... Like he'd pulled up a weed or somethin'. Like it had to be done, and... That was just one of those moments when  your blood runs cold. Goose pimples up and down your arm. 'Cause it turns out the person you thought you knew... Was never there. 

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