10 | The Princess!

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"Vikram! Pratik and Manjeet! Come to the hallroom, we'll take your audition now," Ritwik bhaiya called out, his voice echoing down the corridor.

I clenched my fists in frustration as I glanced at Pratik from the corner of my eyes. Of course, he had to be auditioning for the prince too. I gave him a tight-lipped grin and said, "may the best man win, but it better be me," before reluctantly trudging into the hallroom.

As I stepped into the hallroom, my gaze landed on Aanya standing with the seniors, a warm smile lighting up her face as she caught my eye.

Her smile widened at my approach, and she gave me an encouraging nod. "Hey, Vicky! Ready for your audition?"

I shrugged nonchalantly, trying to play it cool despite the nerves churning in my stomach. "As ready as I'll ever be, I guess."

Aanya reached out and gently squeezed my arm, "you'll do great, Vicky."

"Uh… thanks," I murmured, offering her a small smile in return. She flashed me one last encouraging grin before turning her attention back to the seniors.

As I took a deep breath to calm my nerves, I suddenly heard the clicking sound of the hallroom door. Slowly turning around, my eyes landed on Kiara walking inside with excitement written all over her face.

Then, my gaze shifted to Chandramukhi, who had her head ducked down as she closed her water bottle.

Why is she here? Oh, right! She's Cinderella... more like Dracula in glass slippers!

I couldn't help but chuckle inwardly as I watched her struggle with closing her water bottle.

I observed as Reshmi attempted to twist the cap shut, her expression morphing from determination to annoyance as the cap refused to cooperate. With a frustrated huff, she finally gave up and glanced around, her eyes scanning the room.

Without thinking, I found myself walking over to Reshmi, a small smirk playing on my lips. "Here, let me help you with that," I offered, reaching out to take the water bottle from her hands.

Reshmi's eyes narrowed as she looked up at me, "no thanks..." She snatched the water bottle away from me, her lips pressed into a thin line.

I chuckled, shaking my head at her. "Sure, sure, whatever you say, Chandramukhi," I teased, enjoying the way her cheeks flushed with anger at my words.

"Don't call me that," Reshmi snapped, her tone icy as she shot me a glare. “And I can do it myself… I don't need your help.”

I leaned in closer, my gaze locking with hers as I spoke in a low voice. "Suit yourself, Chandramukhi," I whispered before turning and walking towards the podium.

What the hell does she think she is?

I was just trying to help! And this is what you get when you try to extend a hand to Chandramukhi! Don't you dare offer your help again.

I cursed myself silently and then glanced back at her, but she was already staring at me. I gave her a rude look and rolled my eyes, trying to make her even more mad.

The truth is, I want to be the prince just to annoy her and maybe talk to her. After what happened yesterday, I'm too embarrassed to even say hi but I did… because I'm shameless.

As I watched Pratik confidently stride up to the podium, a cocky grin etched on his face, I couldn't help but roll my eyes at him. Adjusting his imaginary crown, he cleared his throat before launching into his audition, spouting lines that dripped with faux charm.

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