08 | Problematic Vicky.

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As I watched her hurried exit from the auditorium, I couldn't help but feel a weird tingling in me. What the hell just happened to her? It was all so unexpected.

As Mrs. Sharma made her way to the podium to declare the winner, the anticipation in the room was palpable. Unsurprisingly, it was our team that won the debate competition. Yet I was not satisfied, I wanted her to witness my triumph, to see how I crushed her.

Then, I noticed Kiara also darting out of the auditorium, mirroring the path Chandramukhi had just taken.

I was suddenly enveloped in a suffocating bear hug from Angad, of all people. "Bro!! You beat her, poor thing must be crying, lol. She's such a weirdo, right?" he blurted out.

She's crying.

She's crying?

She's crying!

The repetition of those words echoed in my mind.

"I... I'll be back," I whispered to Angad before storming towards the exit, my heart pounding. But before I could make my exit, Aanya intercepted me, her smile radiant as she congratulated me.

I offered a curt nod in response, but inwardly, my mind was consumed by thoughts of Reshmi.

"I'll talk to you later, Aanya," I said, barely sparing her a glance as I bolted out of the auditorium.

Arriving at our classroom, I found it eerily deserted, "where did they go?"

After checking each and every corner of our school I finally found them on the playground. There they were, sitting on the swings, deep in conversation. My footsteps faltered for a moment as I watched them, should I just leave? No dammit! I started walking towards them.

Reshmi looked up, her eyes meeting mine briefly before she quickly averted her gaze, her expression guarded. Kiara, on the other hand, offered me a smile, seemingly unfazed by my sudden appearance.

Ignoring the butterflies fluttering in my stomach, I approached them.

"What happened to you there?"

Reshmi glanced at Kiara before turning her attention back to me, her expression unreadable. "Nothing that concerns you, Vikram," she replied coolly, her tone devoid of warmth.

Seeing Reshmi's guarded response, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of disappointment. I mean, I was genuinely concerned about what happened back there, but I guess she's not exactly jumping at the chance to spill the beans to me.

But hey, I'm not one to give up that easily. With a grin, I leaned against the swing next to Reshmi, trying to play it cool. "Come on, Chandramukhi, I promise I won't make fun of you... too much," I teased, winking playfully.

Reshmi's lips tightened into a thin line, her gaze flickering with a mixture of defiance and vulnerability. "It's none of your business, Vikram. Just leave me alone."

Before I could respond, Kiara interjected, her tone calm yet firm. "Vikram, can't you see she doesn't want to talk about it? Just give her some space."

I raised an eyebrow at her. "Excuse me, bandariya, but since when did you become the spokesperson for Chandramukhi here?"

Kiara rolled her eyes. "Since forever, Vikram."

I let out an exaggerated gasp, clutching my chest dramatically. "Betrayed by my own cousin! I'm hurt, bandariya, truly hurt."

Reshmi glanced at me before quickly looking away, her lips twitching. I crouched down in front of her, my gaze boring into hers as I spoke.

"I won," I stated confidently, a smirk playing on my lips. "You're so weak, you don't have to run away from defeat, you know-"

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