05 | Vikram's past.

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I confidently wrote on paper, "No one! No one can win against me!" and affixed it to the wall in front of my desk. After a nod of determination, I opened my books with confidence, reading and highlighting the main points.

I began working on some questions, finding them to be of moderate difficulty. Once I finished the chapter, I started reviewing it. As I was revising, my phone lit up with a notification.

I grabbed my phone and read a message from Angad, updating me about basketball practice. I responded with a simple "okay" before closing my books. I neatly placed them on the desk and then headed to my wardrobe to retrieve my jersey and shoes.

After changing into my basketball gear, I grabbed my bag and left my room. As I descended the stairs, my gaze fell on my mom. She seemed engrossed in calculations, indicating a tight budget for this month.

She noticed me and frowned, asking, "Where are you going?" I licked my lips nervously before smiling and responding, "Basketball practice, Mom." She sighed and said, "Fine, just make sure it doesn't affect your studies. I expect perfect grades."

I nodded and was about to leave when she halted me with a math question, "What's seven twenty four times fourteen?" I paused, mentally calculating the numbers, and replied, "ten thousand one thirty six... why?"

"That's our budget for this month... you're not getting the video game you asked for."

"But you promised-"

"Did you understand what I said?"

"Yes, Mom."

I left the house without saying anything. It's okay; I can get it next month or use the one Angad bought. I understand - Mom is doing her best to meet my requests. After all, I'm not a child, right? I should understand her problems too.

I arrived at the park and noticed Angad and a few others already there. Placing my bag on the ground, I quickly ran over to join them.

"Start the damn warm-up drill!" I yelled as I reached them. Everyone got up and began warming up, including myself. After a few minutes, we started practicing dribbling and shooting. Then, this new guy joined, and I couldn't stand him - all he did was blabber about his sex life, and it was freaking creepy and annoying as hell.

The annoyance grew, and I decided it was time to teach him a lesson. I couldn't tolerate his presence any longer. With a ball in hand, I subtly adjusted my aim, directing it straight towards the new guy's face.

It was a well-aimed shot, guided by frustration and the need to silence his incessant chatter. I released the ball, watching it speed towards its target.

The ball connected with his annoying face, he stumbled backward, clutching his face, visibly stunned. My expression remained stern as I retrieved the ball, meeting his shocked gaze with an unapologetic glare. It was a silent message - enough with the unnecessary talk.

I offered a smile, "Hey, my bad, man. Lost my grip on the ball," I said, casually shrugging my arms. Angad gave me a knowing smirk, I rolled my eyes playfully and continued dribbling the ball toward the net.

As the basketball practice continued, the sun began to set, casting a warm glow over the court. The team gathered for a brief huddle, discussing their performance and strategy for the upcoming matches.

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