07 | Debate.

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"Have you heard about the debate competition?" Kiara inquired, filling her water bottle.


"Are you planning to participate?"

Reshmi shook her head. Kiara, with a curious expression, approached her while closing her water bottle. "Why not? I know you're well-informed about women empowerment, so what's the reason?"

Reshmi gave her a smile, "I have other priorities right now, Kiara. Debating isn't on the top of my list."

Kiara shot her a disappointed look. "Fine, I get it... Vikram's participating, and we all know he's going to win anyway. I thought having you compete would at least give him some real competition."


"Girl! I know you have a lot on your plate right now, but debating could be a great opportunity for you. Plus, it's not just about winning or losing, it's about voicing your opinions."

Reshmi nodded, understanding Kiara's perspective. "I get what you're saying, Kiara."

"I'm not forcing you but think about it, participating in the debate could enhance your skills in public speaking and critical thinking, which are valuable assets no matter what field you pursue in the future."

Reshmi pondered Kiara's words for a moment before offering a hesitant smile. "You make a compelling argument, Kiara. Okay, I'll think about it. But no promises."

Kiara beamed, her eyes lighting up with excitement. "That's all I ask! Just consider it, and if you need any help preparing or anything, you know I'm here for you."

Reshmi chuckled, "thanks, Kiara. You're the best."

Kiara giggled, "I know."

As they started walking in the corridor, Aanya and her friends walked from the other side. "Hey, Kiara... ever since she's arrived, you've completely forgotten about us, huh?" Aanya said, her smile forced as she confronted Kiara.

Kiara's frown deepened, her frustration evident. "Like I used to talk to you so much before Reshmi even came?" She retorted, a small smirk playing on her lips. Reshmi's eyes darted between them, feeling the tension rise before she quickly looked away.

"Oh, we just wanted to be friends with her... uh, what was her name, Reshmi! Right?" Aanya said.

Reshmi forced a smile and nodded at them. "Hello."

Aanya gave her a tight smile. "Such a unique name you have. I doubt our generation even has this name," she said mockingly, her minions echoing her laughter.

Kiara's smile turned into a smirk. "Yeah, and your name is so common that I have to give you a nickname, like 'bitch', I mean 'bad bitch'," Kiara fired back, her frustration boiling over at their petty insults.

Aanya's smile faltered, her eyes narrowing with offense. "Excuse me? Who do you think you are, Kiara, talking to me like that?"

Kiara crossed her arms defiantly. "Oh, I'm sorry, did I hurt your fragile ego? Maybe next time think before you come at me with your petty insults."

Aanya's face flushed with anger. "You think you're so clever, don't you? Well, let me tell you, Kiara, you're nothing but a stuck-up, arrogant-"

"Alright, that's enough," Reshmi interjected, stepping between them before things escalated further. "There's no need for name-calling and insults..."

Aanya shot Reshmi a venomous glare before huffing and storming off with her friends in tow. Kiara watched them go with a satisfied smirk, then turned to Reshmi with a giggle.

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