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3rd point of view

After the 3 hour long ass drive, the group finally made it to the shriveling land, it was covered in ruins and trees were decomposing left and right.

The boat came to a stop as Shadow parked it near the sand, as Sonic pressed a blue button on the wooden wall— the wooden planks on the boat opened as 5 mechs flew out, covered in royal blue line paint as the main colors are white.

The mechs opened as Shadow unchained the prisoners as they climbed into their mechs, "These mechs were specifically made for this mission, if you try to fight us or try to escape, the mech will automatically shut down and explode, killing you and those around you, understood" Shadow explained, Sonic was fidgeting as he entered his mech.

The group walked off the ship as Shadow crushed the trees in their way, time came until they came across a old pharaoh—the walls were made of mud bricks, that gad had harden over time, the palace looked ancient and beautiful.

Two pillars in the front made with the same material of the walls as they held vines that twirled around them, flowers blooming with all shades of different colors, the door was grand and held a metal chain that had blue ancient words carved in it.

A lost language that no mobian can understand, leaving a warning to those who dare to come across it.

Over the pillars were an image that had more words carved in, it showed a small mobian child holding a precious artifact, it was a Vase—having a dark entity grinning widely.

The child was handing the vase over to a woman as she had red curls and her fur soft as it complimented her white dress. The mobian had a gentle and kind facial expression as she accepted the vace.

"It must be in here" Sonic said as they walked forward to the door as there was three levers on the door, "Sir, perhaps we pull these down?" Shadow suggested as Sonic nodded at the request.

He pulled the levers down one by one, but they pulled back up, "it doesn't work" Sonic growled as he kicked the door—then spin dash it but no deal was done on the door.

"Hmm...maybe" Shadow approached the door as he took a closer look at the levers then he ordered the other to pull the levers down. "Now why would I do that" Amy said as she gave a harsh look at him.

"Amy, just listen to them" Rouge whispered to her, as Amy face was replaced of one of scowl. "Fine.."

Amy stood at the right as Knuckle in the middle, and finally Rouge at the left. They pulled down the levers as the huge door opened with darkness covering the inside of the building.

Sonic smirked as he walked in the dark room while Shadow dragged the mobians in the dark, there was water and bugs crawling everywhere. Vines covering the ceiling and the ground and creaking noises can be heard coming from every direction. A light formed in the dark as Shadow used chaos energy to form some sort of light.

There was a room that held a small coffin and three cases with locks on it, some ancient words written in the ceiling with some ancient drawings explaining the words and process, "what is this?" Sonic screeched as his fur flew a bit at his anger, there was no artifacts seen in this room. Which made his hair stick up.

"Hmm.." Shadow approached the wall and took sense of the situation and photos. He finally came to a statement as he turned around swiftly and eyeing the mobians, "I figured it out, we need to give a sacrifice, in order to unlock the three artifacts in these cases" he said as he pointed at the cases that was around the coffin.

"What...." Amy mumbled as she backed away, "you can't do this, we're friends, don't you remember, you guys wouldn't kill us in a heartbeat" Shadow chuckled as he took a step towards the naive girl.

"Stop with your delusional fairy tail and give in, you know you can't stop us...no matter what.." he told her as she looked down in defeat, she knew was still going to fight against him, but she must take her acting to another level and seem more vulnerable.

"Good girl" he said as he walked towards Sonic as he finally calmed down from his earlier rage. "Which one will we sacrifice?" Shadow questioned as Sonic took a look at the pairs.

"Her" he muttered under his lips as his finger landed on the white bat.

"WHAT?! NO, SONIC, get your head together, don't you realize what you are doing, when you first got us captured.." Rouge was cut off when Sonic quickly answered to her statement, "I do know what I am doing, and little lady, my names not Sonic..it's Dark" He said as a dark smile spread against his face...


Umm...I've have abandoned this story somehow, last thing I remember is how much attention it got but then I started to not update as I entered a new fandom, im gonna try to update this and wrap it up..

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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