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I was waiting for shadow to enter the room, while waiting, I started to feel weird, but before I could have figure that out, shadow entered the room

He looks worried.. what could he be worried about, I put my finger up to my nose, and asked him, " what seems to be the problem shadow?" I asked and he twisted his face answering my question, " Well, I was coming down the hall way, and wondered why one of the cameras were installed in one of the hallways?". Hallways?... "What do you mean, I only repaired the ones in the rooms, it takes a lot of work to repair at least one."

"Doesn't matter, I'll deal with that situation later, that not the reason I called you here for", I responded, and he only glared, "Have you experience, anything....unusual?"I questioned and he only responded with silent, few minutes later...

Shadow point of view

"Have you experience, anything....unusual?"he questioned and I only stayed silent, should I answer him,..of course, it's for my own benefit. "Well..yes, I got some weird visions, or whatever you can call it of some... human girl, she was bl-", he than cut me off and finished my sentence, "blond, with beautiful blue eyes, yes, I remember her, she was one of best friends, until she was killed, I won't go any further, it's just... disturbing".

With the information he just gave me, I understand that she was very close to me, but sadly, I don't have a single memory of her.

Sonic than sign me off, and I went to go do the usual.

Amy's point of view

Tails seems stress, this is a lot to take in, we are gonna go confront shadow and sonic, both are a pretty big deal, plus with the footage we just found, it's just unbelievable.

We were all continuing o walk down the forest, when knuckles stop, "Guys, there's footprints" Knuckles announces, "who is it? Sonic? Or shadows?" Tails ask, getting a closer look to examine it.

"By the looks of it, it's shadows, they are pretty smudge, and with those shoes of his, it just makes sense", Tails cleared, and we all just continued walking, he just needs a hug, I walked next him "Tails, are you.. by any chance, worried, scared, stressed, or anything that you need comfort with." He only looked at the side with no answer.

"You should calm down, sonics probably okay, like always, you know that, you should know that out of all people", he turn to my side and smiled, "I guess your right, Sonic won't go down without a fight"

He than turned around, "Everyone, we will save sonic, if it's the last thing we do, we know for a fact that he needs our help, and we know for a fact that something is wrong, this might be the hardest thing that we might do, but we or him won't go down without a fight." Tails smiled so brightly, I was so proud of him

We continue down the path of footprints, until a building started to show between the trees (The TREES, Lorax, hehe)

Shadow point of view

Another usual day, walking around this building, that probably never, ever, will get attacked, like let's be for real, we are hiding in a damn forest, and you expect someone to find us, I sat down against the wall, and started to fiddle with my gloves

They were strange

I than hear chit chats around the corner, this alarmed me of course, and started to snoop around, I than saw a group of Mobian walking to this direction, and I only had three options, 1. To leave them alone, hoping they pass the building, 2.kill them right on the spot, or 3. Contact sonic about this, and him deal with this.

Option 1 was risky, and option 3, could get me in few problems, with sonic, so option 2 was the best option to go with at this moment.

I quickly chaos control behind them, and shot a few chaos spears at them, this of course alarm them, but.. confused them as well?


Next chapter should be the battle scene, been long time since I update, so I'm not on point on what exactly about to do, but I will never discontinue, by the way, I don't really remember shadows power moves, as I call them, and if the battle scene is quiet short, or Yk, rush, or it seems idk, something, than well sorry, but I will try my best, goodnight, and this chapter goes to @Fifiriri3 , thank you for commenting, add for reading my story

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