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Sonic point of view

I waited in the security room, watching the cameras where shadow was in

I started to see movements and I could she his red color streak was changing color into a purplish color and he's eyes started to flicker and it had a dark purple in them

He started to get up and looked around with a confusing face "where am I?"he said to himself "the experiment worked, perfect now I need to bring his inner spirit out"I said and walked to the door and opened it to the hallway

I see the room I marked just in case i forgot "hello hello, my puppet finally woke up after the... uhh... coma! Yea and now you have to come back to work now"I explained and he look at me from head to toe, examining every detail

" i don't know what's happening but I don't like you"shadow said to me while scratching the back of his neck and looking somewhere else

"How dare you I'm smarter and worked harder in the nick of time"I said pulling his head straight to mine and said confidently at his face

He slowly nodded and stood up correctly "so what do I do... exactly in this job"he asked and I took him by the shoulder and started walking beside him explaining "well, I got a list of names and I want you to help me get rid of these people and than you help my empire grow"I said smirking than led him to a room

I handed him the empire keys which can access all the rooms here "here, open up" I said squealing in excitement

He walked in and looked around in his brand new room

"I love it"he said and jumped on the bed

My heart stopped when I heard him say that that's the first time that he ever said something like that I walked slowly to him than smiled

I walked to the closet and said "look what I have"I said and he looked at me curious on what I might pull

I than took out a outfit that is similar to mine with a belt and a pair of black gloves but this outfit had a shirt under the belt which looked good on him

Tails point of view

I waited for Amy and rouge to finish my request but later on Amy came back to me with a disappointing face

She than tried to find the words to tell me "shadows not answering... a-and rouge says that..in the tracker h-he's in one of eggmans bases but it's not.. moving"she said with a bit of force in her voice

"What was the last time he's movements were recorded" I asked, determined to figure this out

"It was 2 hours ago since he last moved"she said nervously while thinking

"THATS IT! I'm done with all these problems, we are leaving today and now"I said and grabbed her wrist and pulled her to knuckles

"Start packing the last of your things"I said and flew with my two tails to the nearest plane or jet

1 hour later

I flew back with a well repaired jet and landed nearest street and called rouge to bring everyone and their luggages and including shadows

Everyone came on board and started to take their seats and putted their seat belt on while I started to find the start button

"We are taking off in a minute guys"I said in the radio and started to drive off than pulled the handle and the jet started to rise to cloud level

Mephiles point of view

Ever since I've enter Sonic's body and mind, I have felt another presence besides mines and sonics but this one felt much darker than mines but more wicked

I always tried to find who or what this presence was but I never couldn't find it and it started to get overwhelming and uncomfortable

"WHO ARE YOU AND WHY ARE YOU WATCHING ME!"I screamed and turned around and saw a bit of light and heard some laughter

"Hello, I've seen you've have noticed me for a couple of months" They said and the light disappeared

I than felt a slight touch in my back "STOP!" I said and turned around and saw a dark figure with a pure white eyes with no pupils inside

"Since you've asked who I am than I will tell you"After that sentence I felt tension in the air and he than continued " I am dark and I'm watching you because I'm apart of sonic mind and one of his many forms but we are locked away in our little fantasy world until he call's upon us"He said going around me in circles

"Remember that day when you lied to sonic that your name is dark, we'll I was summoned by you since your in his body"I gulp by the memory and asked him "so why are you still here" he than had a wicked and disturbing smile appear on his face

"Because now I can take control of sonic and now I don't need you anymore"He said and grabbed me by the neck and squeezed me as hard as he can

"Goodbye and thank you..." was the last words I heard before I officially died


What you guys think of the turn off events

I focused on this one comment that really interested me and I wanted him to know I have now made dark sonic in control now so you're welcome and I hope you guys think you guys are okay with this

And if you want anything else in this story than pls tell me

😘 bye

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