Forgiveness is a dish best served sung

Start from the beginning

Grace: Oh yeah, you need to sing from your heart if you want to apologise to your friend. Now, lets practice those chords.

Over the next few hours Grace and Jiminy helped Y/N practice his singing until the time came for him to leave for the stage. Before he left though, Palca, Mags and Felicity presented him with his outfit. It was a yellow, flowing long sleeved shirt with a v cut tail at the end.

Felicity: Is it too much? We all thought the colour yellow would really suit you.

Y/N: It's perfect! Thank you guys so much. With all this teamwork, I'm sure I've got a good shot at their forgiveness.

They all crowded around him in a group hug and as he made his way out the cave, he looked up at Daryll who was still sat by myself, thinking. There wasn't any time to talk though as he would need to be performing soon.

As he got to the town centre of Wartwood, there were two things he noticed. One was the cheering crowd and the other was the frog on stage. Sprig was playing his Fiddle on stage expertly with great amounts of practice as he wore a shiny blue butterfly costume and flew around the stage on a string.

He watched Sprig in awe as he moved behind the stage. This was good, it meant the Plantar family was there watching and he hoped they would stay to see his performance.

Just as Sprig was performing his final piece, a roar in the sky came as a giant bat swooped down and grabbed Sprig in it's jaws and the audience gasped as it swooped away with him.

Y/N: Sprig, no!

He clutched his fists as he gathered the strength in his wings and they tore through the back of his shirt and lifted him through the air, flying rapidly towards the bat. At the same time, Hop Pop and Polly had jumped from what appeared to be a springtrap-

-on the stage. They landed on it's head while
Y/N dug himself onto the fur on it's neck.

Hop Pop: Y/N? We haven't seen you in a week! We've been worried sick!

Y/N: Sorry, Hop Pop, I'll explain everything later. But for now we've got to take this thing down.

He raised a claw to the bat's neck but was immediately stopped by Hop Pop.

Hop Pop: At this height? We'd fall to our death. We need to make it go lower before we even thing about getting off.

Suddenly, a small yet mighty battle cry came from the trees infront of them as Daryll came flying through them, brandishing his fist at the bat's nose.

Daryll: Take that!

The bat seemed unfazed though and breezed past Daryll and he landed next to Y/N on the fur.

Daryll: That played out alot differently in my head.

Y/N: Daryll! We need to get this thing to go down. Do you know anything about bats that can help?

Daryll: Well when you were on the road as much as me then you were bound to pick up some useful knowledge. Bats have very sensitive hearing. If you can make a loud enough noise directly into it's ear then it could stun it for a moment and let us get closer to the ground and drop the kid.

Y/N: Alright, lets do this. Polly! I need you to scream as loud as you can into this thing's ear for just a moment.

Polly: You got it!

Bugs, Boys and Boxes (Amphibia x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now