Elysium: MANTIS VS Evil Ghosts

Start from the beginning

If Tier 7 Fu Hua were to fight Tier 5 Fu Hua ten times, Tier 7 Fu Hua would win 10 times. Same applies to Tier 6 Fu Hua VS Tier 7 Fu Hua. This was because Tier 7 Fu Hua can afford to fight a battle of attrition, ultimately the opponent would become mentally fatigued first.

In those terms, Juviel had Tier 5 Concentration. It would have been fine if it was focusing on only one thing, but he had to attack and evade at the same time. An hour was a Tier 5's limit, plus these ghosts main expertise lay in mental attacks, so ultimately he got spent after an hour.

“Not good! System! Pull the Gacha for me! My luck is sht in times of desperation like this!”

He knew things would turn quite bad if he couldn't find a solution anytime soon. So he first decided to rely on his System.

The System fell silent, are you for real? Your luck is sht? Bro are you blind? You got a freaking Mythic Drop bro!!!! Two Legendary Drops!!!

So the System popped the gacha panel right infront of a ghost he punched, so he accidentally pressed times ten pull. Juviel's heart constricted, he didn't have a good feeling about this.

“Skip the animation!”

The System did as told and was stunned.

[.... Gacha Results are as follows:

Pile of Dark Soil×5
Pile of White Sand×3
Grains of white rice×2

I'm really sorry.]

After seeing such disgusting pulls, even the usually arrogant System apologised. It sincerely believed what Juviel said.

How would Juviel feel then? His countenance was dark as he cursed,

“What the hell!? 2 grains of rice!? Sand and soil!? You want me to be an architect, huh!?”

The System felt guilty and it wanted to make up for it so it popped up the panel once more and decided to do 10 pulls,

[Gacha Results:

Ancient Trailblazing Chain×1
Nameless’ Glory×1
Ring Of Salvation×1

… Um. These are coincidentally all the materials I required for my update.]

“Take it and go! Don't pull anymore!”

[Don't be mad, I'm sorry.]

Huh? When did the System become so submissive? But he did sound a bit harsh, it wasn't good to be lashing out at the System afterall. He felt a bit of heartache upon hearing that tone from the System, come on, acting cute like that isn't fair!!

“Sigh, it's alright. It was my fault for blaming you.”

The System didn't reply but he could hear a faint humming that sounded happy. The heck? Feeling a bit strange about how the System was acting, he decided to question it later and continued fighting.

3 days later, he had killed over 100,000 ghosts by now. At this point his vision had gotten dark, his head was aching and somewhere deep in his mind was hurting. Thus his killing efficiency had started decreasing exponentially after the first day, otherwise 3 days would have been enough to get rid of them all.

[Less then 50% left! You can do it!]

The System cheered him on whilst being extremely attentive, if things were to take a turn for the worse, it was prepared to pay a price to teleport him away.

4 days later,

All the ghosts had been killed. Juviel plopped to floor with a thud. He fainted. But before he fainted, he summoned Fu Hua. At this point she had fully recovered, so when she came out, she was ready to fight.

So imagine how shocked she would be when she saw Juviel on the ground, black out. She panicked a little but still managed to calm herself down.

She squatted next to him and did a little check up on him after letting him lay down in a comfortable position, immediately her expression turned unsightly as she frowned.

“He is a MANTIS? No. That isn't the main point, why is his soul so damaged? It looks as if it was squeezed dry!”

If she wasn't panicking too much before, she was now. Because Juviel's soul was on the verge of shattering. She decided to do her best to try and help him recover.

So she put her hand on his hand and started to use Fenghuan Down. Trying to alleviate his pain whilst healing his soul, bit by bit. However, she didn't have such an ability so she could only share pieces of her soul to him. This was a painful process, but she decided to do it.

Afterall her soul would recover, his wouldn't. As her soul was of higher quality then his, it only took a few pieces for his soul to be back to tip top shape. Of course, by now Fu Hua's back was drenched in sweat from the pain.

One's soul was one's weakest part, any damage done there is equivalent to pouring sanitizer on an open wound. Extremely agonising. After doing that, she decided to lay down next to him.

She looked at him and found that his breathing had stabilised. On the other hand, with her being so close to him, she couldn't help but glance at his side profile a few times. Afterall, he was very handsome. Not understanding why she found his face so pleasing to look at, she consoled herself by saying it was fine as he was sleeping.

Of course, in the normal scenarios, she wouldn't have been doing this. Despite being a single virgin for 50k years, she was still one of the great heroes of humanity. She wouldn't be fazed even if a mountain were to collapse infront of her.

However, due to her being his Valkyrie, a connection was formed between them. This connection made her feel familiar with him as it was a two-way connection. She could feel what type of person he was through this connection, so she subconsciously got attracted.

Furthermore, due to getting the Garuda+ genes, he had become even more handsome. So the addition of white-red hair only added on to that..

“.... I mean, I understand why past me likes him now.”

Of course, she didn't have a crush on him at all. Not at all. Definitely not. At most a favorable opinion. That's right!

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