Something twinged inside you as you observed his Adam's apple bobbing up and down when he gulped. "Damn, what's happening to me?" you wondered. "Mr. Jeon, can you let go of me now?" you demanded.

"Stay like this for a while."

"You've been hugging me since last night. Aren't you tired?"

"Nah, I'm not. Being wrapped in your embrace is pure euphoria. I could stay like this for my whole life if you want," he uttered, still with his eyes closed. "Is he flirting with me?" you thought, his voice breaking your thoughts again. "Plus, after saving you from a fall, don't I deserve a thank you gift? So, stay a little longer," he said, gently kissing your forehead, making you choke once again. 

You sighed at his words. This man was stubborn, incredibly so. It's not like you could ask him to let you go, and he would comply without a word. But what caught your attention the most were his words, his gentleness. You weren't used to this. All your life, you kept your distance from people because of your trust issues. So, you didn't have anyone in your life who genuinely cared about you. That's why all the gentleness and care he was showing you felt completely foreign. Still, in the tranquil depths of his embrace, a mesmerizing euphoria enveloped you, casting a spell of contentment and bliss. But would you admit it? Hell no.

Fifteen minutes passed, and he was still hugging you. That's when a plan dawned on you. "Mr. Jeon," you started, earning a soft hum from him in response. "Could you please release me now? I need to go somewhere," you demanded, struggling to break free from his embrace. However, he only tightened his grip, offering no chance of escape.

"Where to?"

"In the early morning, where does one usually go?" you retorted, a hint of sarcasm in your voice.

"Oh, I see," he responded, finally loosening his grasp from your waist, and you quickly got away from him, which didn't go unnoticed by him. He scoffed at the thought of how desperate you were to get away from him, and it hurt him to some extent, but he didn't let it show. He got up from the bed, and before you could rise, he pulled you towards himself. Without a word, he slipped one arm beneath your waist and another under your legs, carrying you in a bridal style that left you utterly startled.

"Hey, put me down! What are you doing?" you protested, attempting to free yourself from his grasp, but he held firm.

"Did you really think I would let you walk while you are injured?"

"I'm just injured, not paralyzed. I can walk by myself. Put me down. Why are you carrying me like this? JEEZ, PUT ME DOWN!" you raised your voice at the end, wriggling in his hold like a fish trying to escape it's predator's hold.

"Shut up before I bite your lips," he said with an emotionless face while kicking the bathroom door open.

"You're shameless."

"Tell me something new," he casually shrugged. Entering the restroom, he seated you on the counter. Before you could rise, he spread your legs apart and settled himself between them while you perched on the counter. You attempted to push him away, but his grip on your shoulders held you in place. Escaping the grasp of a man twice your size wasn't an easy feat. "Don't move," he whispered, his breath tickling your ear, sending shivers down your spine. Inhaling the scent of your hair, a fragrance that always brought him peace, he gently kissed your earlobe before gazing at you with adoration in his eyes. Your cheeks flushed as you felt the intimacy of the moment, while he remained stoic, as though it were an everyday occurrence. Producing a new toothbrush, he applied toothpaste and handed it to you. Before you could speak, he interjected, "Take it while I'm giving it to you, or I'll brush your teeth myself," gesturing towards the brush. You clenched your teeth, but he found it endearing.

"You know, you look cute with that angry expression on your face," he remarked, eliciting an eye roll from you. As you finished brushing, he said, "Your clothes are in the closet. You can shower in my bathroom. I'll wait outside. Feel free to ask if you need anything." Kissing your forehead, he left the restroom, leaving you with a racing heart and no words.

"Since when did you become like this, Jeon Jungkook?" the question echoed in your mind.

After a refreshing shower, you emerged from the restroom, wrapped in a towel, and entered the attached closet. Inside, you were greeted by a middle-aged maid who presented you with a beautiful floral dress that reached your knees, leaving you perplexed.

"These aren't my clothes," you stated, eyeing the dress.

"Young master ordered us to dress you in this," she explained.


"Please, ma'am. I could lose my job if I don't comply," she pleaded, and you nodded with a sigh. She assisted you in putting on the dress before leaving. As you surveyed the closet, you couldn't help but marvel at its size. It was larger than your own apartment, feeling more like a boutique than a closet, and the room it was attached to was three times bigger than the closet itself. "Rich, heartless jerk," you scoffed before exiting the room.

Upon leaving, you found him already seated on the bed, going through emails. Seeing you, he rose and approached you. Gently touching your head where the bandage was, he remarked, "Your bandage needs changing." He then made you sit on the bed. Bringing the first aid kit, he carefully unwrapped your previous bandage. Using the antiseptic, he disinfected the wound, eliciting a hiss from you at the sting sensation. Seeing your distress, he softly blew on the wound to alleviate the discomfort. After applying the healing cream, he meticulously bandaged your wound. "It will be fine," he reassured with a smile, gently caressing your face, while you sat there completely shocked.

The six-foot-tall alpha male, with a muscular frame broad chest and a dark, dangerous aura, was treating a girl almost half of his size like the most precious person in the world, leaving you utterly confused. You couldn't believe this was the same man who almost killed you a few days ago.

Placing the first aid kit on the table, Jungkook looked at you, finding you staring at him like a lost bird. "Did he hit his head somewhere?" you thought. Closing his eyes, he sighed, understanding your confusion.

"Ask," his voice snapped you out of your thoughts.

"Ask what?"

"Whatever you want to know. I'm sure there are lots of questions in your mind, no need to keep them in mind, so ask whatever you want to know... about you....about me.... about past....

 ''I will tell you everything."


Hello my lovely readers! how was it. share your opinions through votes and comments.

This chapter is dedicated to my bff, @Wfjjddshjd123. Happy birthday, my friend!🎉🎉 Thank you for being born, my girl. Thank you for always being there for me since childhood. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love you so damn much.❣❣❣❤❤❤❤

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