50 ~ Tashan btw Sasur-ji and Damad-ji

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Jeevika called out to him and was upset when she saw him sitting in front of her with an angry expression, trying to soften him with her words.

"I can't believe you're bringing me back to Banaras just because Rajjo ran away with someone else."

Yuvan couldn't help but speak annoyingly as she insisted he take her back right away, setting aside his important work, which only added to his frustration. However, he managed to compose himself knowing there was another reason he wanted to go with her.

"Who said you could come along?"

"I had to come along with you, or else you would have ditched the private jet just like a train once more."

Jeevika let out a groan when she heard his almost sarcastic remark, clutching the seat belt with her fist as they were currently in his private class on a design jet that had taken off a few hours ago.

"Amma must have called you, that explains why you're coming too."

Yuvan just casually rested his hand on the armrest, fixing his gaze on her furious expression, which seemed like it was about to burst out.

"Actually, I am missing my esteemed param pujya sasur ji."

Yuvan said with all tight-lipped and smiling, which made Jeevika narrow her eyes. Finally, they all arrived in Banaras after a two-hour journey and walked to the Ganga Ghat near Jeevika's house. Without wasting any time, Jeevika dashed towards a specific house she had prepared for her Rajjo, who seemed to have vanished with someone else.


Yuvan was startled when Jeevika dashed away like a maniac. He quickly looked towards the door as Shankar and Vasundhara rushed out after hearing their daughter's voice.


Yuvan was totally surprised when he heard Jeevika crying from the back of her house. This made him quickly run back, with Shankar and Vasundhara following behind, all looking concerned. They discovered Jeevika on the ground, flailing her arms and legs while crying. She was holding a Rajjo necklace that she had made with love. Yuvan was bewildered by her sudden behaviour, seeing her cry like a little angry baby.

"Hey ram, ab yeh pura din roti rahegi."

(Hey Ram, now she will cry the whole day.)

Vasundhara spoke as she walked over to Jeevika, who was crying and wiping her nose. Meanwhile, Yuvan was leaning on a nearby pole with his hands in his pockets, a subtle smile on his face watching his wife's antics.

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