37~ Surprised encounters turn into Intense momentos

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"Dadi-sa, now I should take a leave

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"Dadi-sa, now I should take a leave."

Chintu said that although she didn't find much about Yuvan's past, she has come across some very shocking information by Miskelly. On the same night of the altercation with Ruhanika in the club, Chintu was passing by her room late at night to get to the study room but failed. So, she decided to roam around the corridor to find something suspicious and there she heard something unexpected.


She heard the last thing and wondered who this new character named Akshit was! And why did Ruhanika cry? Could this be a connection that Yuvan and Ruhanika are not on speaking terms?

"Beta, you should have stayed a little longer."

Niranjana said, while hugging Chintu, it made her smile and feel emotional at the same time because she didn't feel like leaving now. Moreover, last night was too much to digest. Even Dadi-sa came to know everything and was glad that nothing worse had happened.

"What should I do now, Dadi-sa? I will have to meet with my relatives so I have to go, but I will come soon."

Chintu said while pulling out from the hug and walked towards Ruhanika to shake her hand, making her pout in sadness.

"We would all love it if you stayed with us a little longer."

Ruhanika tried to give reasons that made Chintu chuckle because whether anything happens or not, Chintu saw something in Ruhanika's eyes, perhaps for himself, a mere infatuation!

"I definitely would have liked to stay, but now I want to meet the others too."

Chintu said and in the meantime Yuvan showed up, holding a newspaper in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other.

"Keep coming here!"

Niranjana said and walked to the door, followed by Ruhanika with a sulking face. Chintu bid goodbye and was ready to leave, but suddenly Niranjana asked him to stop.

"Yuvan is going to give you a ride."

Chintu was totally shocked when Niranjana yelled out Yuvan's name, who obeyed, turned and walked towards her with raised eyebrows looking super confused.


He asked, still sipping on his black coffee, which made Niranjana shake her head in disbelief.

"Can you drop off Chintu at his place?"

Yuvan poked his tongue inside his mouth and gave disapproving looks, which Niranjana understood. She pinched him to let him know she didn't like the sweet smile on his face.

"No worries, dadi-sa! The car is booked and waiting outside, no need to stress."

Chintu said while shaking her head because she was able to see the expression Yuvan was making right now!

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