Chapter 22

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~~ Luna's POV ~~

I had heard about the whole entire magic council being wiped out by one person. Everyone in the guild was on edge. We were also worried about the teams that were on jobs, and hoped that they wouldn't be targeted. I was especially worried about Annala. I know she can take care of herself, but I still worry.

"What's wrong?" Zeref sat down next to me, and I leaned my head on his shoulder.

"I'm just worried. My gut also tells me that something is wrong, but I'm sure it's nothing." My gut usually is never wrong, but I hope that for once, it was. I heard the guild doors open, and wiped my head twords that direction, and was horified. The Thunder Legion was beat up, and looked like they were barley alive. Freed, Evergreen, and Bixlow clasped within a few seconds from each other. But that isn't what horified me the most. Laxus was standing there, tears streaming down his face. In his arms was Annala, looking the worst out of all of them. I'm not even sure she was still alive, her magic energy levels were next to non-existent.

"No! Please no!" I got up and ran to them, grabbing Annala just as Laxus clasped. I sat on the floor, cradling Annala in my arms.

"Not my little sister! I can't lose her too! Please... Come back!" I bawled, burying my face in her neck. I felt her slightly breathing, and it raised my hopes, but not by much.

"W-wendy, s-shes still alive. Please.... help her." I begged. Wendy nodded and told us we had to get them into the infirmary. Zeref helped me to get Annala in a bed. I wanted to stay by her side, but Miss Porlyusica chased me out, so I paced in front of the door instead.

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