Chapter 12

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Hey guys! I'm back with an update. Yay!! So yeah, ummmm...... My story now has about 370 veiws total, which is a lot for me. Thank you guys so much for reading my story. I know that kinda sounds like its fake, but trust me, its not. I really truely mean it. Any way, thats not what you guys are here to read, is it. So if you guys enjoy this book, please comment and say so or vote, because if you do, it shows me that you guys posably want me to keep going on with this story. So, I'm gonna let you guys read now. Chibi Ginger-chan,OUT!! :)

Luna's POV:

We finaly arived at the Port of Hargeon. In order to get to our job in a small town known as Lusiff, We have to go thrugh a forest. And its not a normal looking forest ether. Its a dark and scary forest. Honestly, I'm not looking forward to entering it.

"Are you ok? You kinda look, scared." Zeref deffinently could tell I was scared. But I just didn't want to tell him that.

"I'm not scared. Nope. Not scared at all." My voice cracked on the last part, betraying my staitment. Mavis, I really hope he didn't notice.

"Right... Then explain why your voice cracked." He stops walking and grabs my sholders while looking my right in the eyes. Damn it! He noticed.

"W-well, I don't like the dark. Not since the incident happend." I had to break the eye contact. I felt like he was stairing into my soul and felt that he could see everything.

"What happened? Its ok, You can tell me."

"W-well, when Annala and I were still kids, we use to play in the forest all the time. One day we went to far into the forrest and found a dark and scary part of it. I wanted to explore it, but Annala didn't. So, I told her to go back home and that I would be back in an hour. A few minutes late, I ran into some members of a dark guild. They then knocked me out and brought me to their guild where they chained me up in a dark cell. My wrists were chained to the cieling while me ankles where chaind to the floor, causing me to be suspended in the air with my arms and legs spread out. T-they kept m-me there for a f-few weeks with barely a-any food. T-they cut me w-with a k-knife for t-their amusment. T-they also b-branded me with a b-branding i-iron." I showed him the branding in the middle of my back, along with some of the knife scars that never compleatly healed.

"T-then one d-day H-hydris and A-annala Found m-me and broke me out of t-there. The s-state I w-was in when t-they f-found me would of b-been enough to m-make people scream if t-they didn't k-know I w-was h-human." I guess I must of been crying, because the next thing I know is I'm being hugged, and I hug back.

"You don't need to be scared any more. I will always be with you. Even when you don't need me, I'll be there." What he said was the sweetist thing I've ever heard. A few minutes afterI started crying, I stoped and we then started walking into the forest. I was clinging to Zeref's arm because I was still a bit scared. We maneged to walk thrugh the forest with nothing happening. Before us, was the small town called Lusiff. Since the sun was starting to set, we decided that we would visit the client tomarrow after we both had a good nights sleep. We entered a cotage-like inn called 'Little Bunny's Inn' (Don't ask about the name. I took the Dutch word, Konijncha and it translated into Little Bunny) Ha! Thats a cute name for a cute Inn.

"Welcome to the Little Bunny's Inn. Is there anything I can help you two with tonight?" A blond lady who probubly was the Inn keeper, came up to us.

"Ya. We would like a room with two beds if at all possible."

"I'm so sorry, but we only have rooms with one beds avaible. If you want, you can cheek into two rooms."

"One room is ok."

"Alright then. If you two would follow me." We followed her to our room. Once we entered the room, Zeref and I got ready for bed.

So, this chapter was a bit longer then the last, but I felt that it still was a bit short. Next time the chapter will be hopefuly be longer and acualy be more interesting. Any way, until next time. BYE!! :)

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