Chapter 8: Dreams For the Luls

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ANOUNCMENTS: Hey guys. Chibi Ginger-chan here. I wanna start off with saying plz don't ask about the title. I was bored and I wanted a funny title, resulting in what you guys saw. Sorry, it was probubly a bad idea. A better title for this would of probubly been 'Lost'. Any way, I had an idea about doing a chibi neko Zeref x reader and A chibi neko Laxus x reader Colalabaration (God, thats one big word I don't know how to  spell) with my best friend Luna317. Its not set in stone yet if we are gonna do this or not, but I would like to to know your guy's opinions first. If you guys comment your opinions (good or bad) I Might just have to give you guys some shout outs in the next chapter. Any way, I  can't  think of anything else to say exept thank you for reading and I hope you liked it. Chibi Ginger-chan, OUT!! :)

Annala's POV:

Huh? Where am I? What am I doing here? Will I ever Get out of here? These are the things I wanted to know but couldn't ask. Truth is, I don't even know who I really am any more. I looked around to find that I was surounded in a black world. Thats all I could see for miles. I also felt cold and distant. Suddenly a pillar of white light appears in front of me, causing me to sheild my eyes. Once the light fadded compleatly away, I looked to where it had appeared in the first place. Standing there was me. Well almost. This version had shorter red hair and no brown tips.

'Hello' Instantly knew who she was.


'Yup. The one and only.'

Why are you here?

'I came to help.'

pht. You? Help? How?

'Look, I know I'm not your favorite person, but I want to help you.'


'Because, You don't belong here.'

And where is here?

'Your mind. Your in a sleep-staysiss.' If we are in my mind, why is it so empty?

'Because your a baka. Just kidding. Its like this because your brain isn't acualy thinking right now.'

Weird. How long have I been here, and how do I get out?

'About 5 real world days. Or about 5 hours here. Also, listen around you.'

Ok? But to what? There's NOTHING around us!

'Shush. Just Listen. Use your real body's ears.' So thats what I did. At first there was nothing. After a while I started to hear a very distant voice. I almost had to squint my ears, as crazy as that sounds. The voice got louder and closer. And with that, the cold blackness known as the inside of my head, started to change. The color became a white, almost a gold light. With this new color also came a new sensation. Warmth. So comforting.

"...... nd I'm sorry for being such an ass to you each time we ran into each other."

Is that Laxus?

'Yes. Believe it or not, He's been by your side this whole time. I really don't get why though. Who would be baka enough to do that for you.' I think  I may have heard a hint of jelousy in her voice.

"And I know we don't know each other, but that dosn't mean We can't try to. Just don't stay like this after just joining the guild. Think of all your friends and your sister your leaving behind by doing this."

I didn't mean to leave every one behind! I said as tears started to flow from my eyes. What I didn't understand is how can an ass like him end up being so caring. Mabey I am falling for him. Mabey I already have and I'm just falling farther.

"Oh also, your cat has been waiting. Once you get to know him, he's not all that bad." He sounded like he was crying or on the verge to cry.

"Just please, don't leave us.Your friends, family or Jynx. Just please Ginger, don't leave me."

I have to go!

'I know you do. You have to get back to them. Back to him.' She said with a sad smile.

You know something? Your not really a bad person. I wiped away my tears as I start floating and disapearing.

'Pht. Yeah right. I'm still gonna be as annoying as hell. But I'm gonna miss talking to you like this.' I saw some tears roll down her cheeks. I nodded and fully dissapeared. I slowly open my eyes and carfully sat up. Laxus had his arms on the left side of the bed and his head in them, crying. I put my right hand on his head.

"I won't leave you. I promise." I said with my head tilted to the right with tears streaming down my smiling face. He looked up and then huged me. His face in my chest. I huged him back and petted his head.

"So, I guess you heard everything then. Huh." I giggled because he was talking with is face still in my chest.

"Yeah. I did." We finaly broke apart when someone knocked on the door.Laxus' face went instintly back to his normal face when some of our guild mates like Wendy, Levy, Erza, Lucy, Carla, Lily, Gajeel, Happy, Natsu, Grey, Gramps and some others came into the room. Someone must of known I  had woken up because there wouldn't be so many people other wise. Just then Jynx jumped up and I instantly know who had more or less told them.

"Annala!! Your awake!!" Levy cried befor she and some ofthe others bombarded me with hugs. Soon every one was shooed away so that Ms. Porlyusica and Wendy could check to see if i was well enough to get up and move around. When Laxus had to leave as well I mad a pouty face.

"I wont be  gone for that long Ginger." He laughed when he saw the face I was making.

"Please stop caling me Ginger. I hate that name."

"Just think of it as my pet name for ya." He smiled. I blushed because he was sexy when he smiled like that. Luckly he didn't see that though. Once Wendy and Ms. porlyusica said I could get up and move, they left so that I could get changed. Having every thing on exept for my black mid-thigh high boots, I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

"Hey Ginger. I see that your well enough to get up.'

"Shure am, Bolt face." I snickered at him.

"Bolt face?" He asked a little suprised.

"Yup. It's my pet name for you. I figured since you call me Ginger, I might as well call you something." I giggled, getting my last boot on and zipped. Suddenly I was picked up by my waist.

"Fair enough." He laughed as I laughed while trying to sqirm out of his grasp. He changed his hold on me so that he could hug me.

"Your just like a giant teddy bear." I laughed.

"And you like this teddy bear." He smirked. Finaly putting me down.

"Yes I do." I said giving him one last squeeze. We went out into the guild hall. A few seconds later I got hug attacked by Luna.

"Your alive!!" She said, crying tears of joy. Dispite her sometimes cocky aditude, she can be loving and caring. Especialy at times like this. Finaly letting of each other go, I grabed Laxus' hand.

"I'm alive, and it feels great." I took a deep breath and smiled at the ceiling.

Thats the end of this chapter. I'm really proud of this chapter for once. Any ways, I hoped you guys enjoyed this chapter. And until next time. BYE!! :)

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