Chapter 7: Don't Know A Good Title For This Chapter

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Hey guys!! Chibi Ginger-chan here with a few anouncements. First off, how did you guys like Jynx's POV? Should I do that again 'cuze im thinking about doing it again in the next chapter. Secondly, do you guys want me to continue this book? Third of all, Whose POV wouldyou guys like to see? Zeref's POV is on it's was in this chapter so don't worry. And last of all, I wanna give all you readers that have keept reading my awful book since I started it a shoutout. I love you guys so much.(THE FEELS!!) Any way thats all I have to say for now. Chibi Ginger-chan, out!! :)

Luna's POV:

"WHAT?! SHE'S WHAT?!" I yelled purely out of shock. Annala never gets sick. EVER!!

"She's sick." Came Lucy's scared response.

"Sorry. Didn't meen to yell. It's just that I'm Shocked. Is it ok to see her?"

"Yeah. Follow me." Once we  were in the infermary, I saw wendy, and a woman with pink hair about the master's age. I asumed she was Ms. Porlyusica. Next to Annala's bed was a blond haired man with a scar and a worried look on his face. He was the same man who glared at her the first day.

"What happend?"

"I found her passed-out on her room floor with the door open." the blond said.

"Bull shit, you did!!" I said almost this close to punching him.

"He's telling the truth." Came Wendy's shy voice.

"He could have lied!" I pointed a finger.

"Calm down, my child. He wouldn't lie about this." I tuned around to fine the master in the infermary. I sighed inwardly. Giving up a battle that I couldn't win.

"fine. But dose anyone know what this is?" I asked.

"All we know is that she has a fever and hasn't moved since Laxus brought her in last night." Replied Ms. Porlyusica. So,thats his name. Laxus. Well I guess that's better then calling him 'the blond'.

"It's almost as if she's in a sleep-staysiss." I mumbled to my self.

"What?" Laxus asked. Did he hear that?


"It's where a person is in a sleep-like state. Much like being in a coma, exept inthis state, you don't need the help of life support." Wendy awnsered. I nodded to say that she was right.

"But what has a fever got to do with this?" Asked the master.

"Mabey the fever caused her to go into this sleep-whatever state." Inqiured Laxus.

"Thats posable." Awnserd Ms. Porlyusica.

"So what do we do now?" He had asked.

"The only thing we can do. Wait." This time it was me who awnserd. Everyone was quite fora few moments. Lucy said we should let Annala be for the time being.

"We'll stay here to keep watch over her." Ms. Porlyusica indicated that Wendy would help her.

"I'm staying here." Laxus said. Master turned around and raised an eyebrow.

"I'm not leaving, and you can't make me." He sounded childish this time. If only Annala could of seen that. She would be laughing her ass off. Upon a closer look, I saw that Jynx was sleeping in Laxus' lap. Master turned around and left. Lucy and I followed him. I was gonna eat breakfist, but I just wasn't in the mode to anymore. I went outside to find the one I trusted the most to seek some comfort. A few minutes later I was in the clearing from yesterday, hoping Zeref was still here. Lucky for me, he was. He looked up at me smilling, but it soon turned into a frown.

"Whats wrong?"

" I just found out my sister is seriously sick."

Zerefs POV:

"I just found out my sister is seriously sick." She looked like she was on the verge of tears. So I did what had to be done. I got up, walked over to her and huged her. She started to cry and her knees must of given out because we were closer to the ground.

"I'm scared. I don't want to lose her."She whisperd and more tears fell. I asked her what her sister was suffering from. She explaindand told me that very rerly people ever woke back up from it. I pulled us down so that we were laying on the ground.

"Sleep if it hurts to much." And so she did. She slowly closed her eyes and went to sleep. Stoping her shaking. I wiped the tears off her face and smiled sadley. Knowing that she would probubly still hurt once she woke up again.

So, I had to restart the chapter after losing my progress once already. Me: The FEELS!!! They hurt. WHAAAAA!!!! (Chibi neko Laxus comes in to my room and hugs me) Me: * Sniff* Thank you. I feel better now. *SniffBut any way, thats the end of this chapter. Hope you enjoyed it. And until next time. BYE!! :)

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