Cahapter 4: Can Any Thing Good Come From This?

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Laxus' POV:

*Laxus' bed room. About 2 hours after all that door shananagins in the last chapter.*

Damn it! Why did she have to get that room? Why couldn't it have been Luna who go that room? She didn't look at me like she wanted to kick my ass for no reason. I swear women who can give you the demon death stare, are in fact real demons in disguise. But.... she is cute. I'll say that much. There also is something about her that keeps drawing me in.... Laxus!! get a hold of your self!! 1. She's not my type. 2. She obviously dosn't like me. And 3. I really need to go on a job tommorrow. I havn't been on a job in like what? 3... 4 weeks now? I need to sleep before I can even think about going on a job. 


Annala's POV:

After not being able to sleep most of the night thanks to knowing that that guy lives in the room that is directly linked to my room. I don't know why that bugs me so much since I don't acualy have to see his face as long as the joining room doors stays shut and locked. Seeing as how sleep wasn't going to come to me, I decided to go to the main floor and get breakfist. Once I'm downstairs, I see quite a few of my fellow guild mates passed out on the floor, tables and even on the bar.

"Is this how all party aftermaths look in this guild?"

"Yup." I jumped and found who had responded to my question that was directed twords nobody. She had white, short-croped hair. The same hair color as Mira's hair. Come to think of it, she kinda looks like Mira.

"You must be one of the new members. My name's Lissana."

"Mine's Annala Dabria. Hey, by any chance, are you related to Mirajane?"

"Yup. She's my big sister. Along with Elfman, My big brother."

"You kinda looked like Mira, so I had to ask. Sorry if it was a random question."

"Thats ok. So, have you thought about what your first job is gonna be?"

"Kinda. I might go with the one offering a reward of 15,000 J. Just so I can get a feel of how it works."

"That sounds like a plan. Are you taking any one with? I know Laxus is probubly gonna be looking for a job. Seeing as how he hasn't gone on one for about a month."

"Thanks, but no thanks. I might bring Luna with if she wants to come along. But other then that I'll probubly just do these by my self."

"Ok." And with that, Lissana turned around to go to the bar and talk to her big sister. I however decided I wasn't that hungry, and went to pick up the flier for the 15,000 J reward job. Seriosly?! Why is his name comming up so often? Really, its starting to piss me off. With the flier in my hand, I head for the door. I'm about to pass the staircase that leads upstairs.

"Hey ginger. I see your going on a job. Don't get lost now." He snickerd. I'm just gonna walk out that door, and ignore him. I was trying so hard not to lose my temper. Finaly out the door, I look at the flier so I knew where to go. The job was for a small town on the out-skirts of Magnolia. The acual request was to kill a monster that has been terorizing the town.

*Time skip. 6 hours later. After job is done*

Annala's POV:

I'm walking back to the guild, when i pass by a pet adoption center. In it's window was the most kawaii black cat I had ever seen. It was staring at me doing the whole "Puss In Boots" eye trick. I gave in and went it to the center to see if I could adopt that cat.

About an hour later, I was leaving the center with the cat, when I realized dose Fairy Tail even allow pets? Dispite that question I headed twords the guild hull with Jynx (thats what I decided to name him) in my arms. When we finaly arived at the guild, I took a deap breath befor going in. I was on a mission. To ask the master if I could keep Jynx. I found him at the bar talking with Macow (sorry. I dont know how to spell his name. So I'm hoping thats correct. Please correct me if I'm wrong.)

"Hey master, sorry for interupting, but I wanted to know if you allowed pets."

"Sure we do." Seeing Jynx, he asked what his name was.

"He's name's Jynx."

"Well its nice to meet you Jynx." he said while scratching under Jynx's chin.

"Hey Annala!" I looked around the room to find Lucy waving me over.

"You got a cat!" came almost every ones voice from the table. They asked what his name was and if they could pet him. Once that was done, I headed to my room. once inside, I put Jynx on the floor so he could get used to his new home. After about 10 minutes, he came back to me and started meowing an me.

"Crap! I forgot to pick you up some food. I'll be right back. You stay there. And don't ruin my room while I'm gone." I told him while shutting the door behind me. Off to the pet store I go.

That's the end of chapter 4. I have a question for you guys. Would you like me to start doing longer chapters? Or do you like the length their at now? Also I hope you injoyed the chapter, like always. Until next time. BYE!! :)

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