Chapter 9: A Big Deal

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ANOUNCEMENTS!!!! Hey guys, Chibi Ginger-chan here. So ya, I have started a new book called 'Fairy Tail Has Facebook. The Worlds Gonna End.' I know it's not the funniest book out there, but give it some time. I'm shure it will get better. Also, I would like to know what are some topics you want to see? I will read and consider (Dang it, another word I can't spell) them. If I decide to use your topic, I will give you the credit because the topic would most likely not be something I made up. Also, How am I doing so far? I looked back to the first chapter and saw that there was about 45 reads in about a week. For me thats alot especialy because I just started Wattpad about a week ago. The whole book in a week has about 250 reads. You guys make me so happy that quite a few of you guys keep comming back and reading this story of mine. Acualy, it starts of as an idea then gets planed by me
day-dreaming it. This otaku be wierd. Also, There might be something going on in this chapter that could be a lemon (no not the fruit) but I might not make it a lemon. I'll decide that when I get there. Mabey it will be in the next chapter instead. I really don't know yet. But any way, if you guys want me to do lemons in the future, tell me. Althogh it probubly wouldn't be very good. Now I'm just talking about unimportant things, so I'm gonna go now. Chibi Ginger-chan, OUT!! :)

Luna's POV:

After Annala and I stoped hugging each other, I saw Annala grab a hold of Laxus' hand. Well, something happend between those two. If only Zeref and I could be that way in public. I sighed to my self. Thats when an idea popped into my head. But I needed Gramps' permision to do this. I headed over to where he was sitting at the bar, sitting next to him.

"Ummm... Master?"

"Yes, what is it my child?"

"Do you know about a clearing in the forest next to the guild?"

"Yes. Why do you ask?"

"I was hoping that you could meet me there and talk to a... a friend of mine there at about 7:30."

"And who is this friend of yours?"

"I'm afraid I can't tell you that just yet."

"Ok. I'll try. I have been meaning to go there any way."

"Also, could you mabey keep an open mind?"

"I'll see about that when the time comes." And with that I left for the clearing to see if I could find my "Friend".

Zeref's POV:

I layed on my back in the clearing with my hands behind my head and my eyes closed. It was a warmer day then usual, so I had taken my shirt off.

"Z...Zeref?" I turned my head to the right and opened my eyes. There was Luna, standing there and blushing. Mavis, she's cute when she blushes. I sat up and motioned for Luna to sit down by me. She tried so hard not to stare at my chest, but she did. I suppose not wearing a shirt dose this to people. I reached to grab my shirt and put it back on so she wasn't so uncomfortable.

"So, you have a question for me?" I asked.

"Um, Ya. I do. It's about us."


"Ya. I don't wanna hide our relationship from others."

"Oh.Is that so?"


"And how do you suppose we do that?"

"Ummm.... I know I shouln't have asked this person to come without talking it over with you first, but I did. I'm so sorry."

"It's ok. When and where are we suppose to meet?"

"7:30. And we meet here."

"Ok. But until then we can hang out and relax." I said as I layed back down. Luna then snuggled up to me and put her head on my chest. We then talked and snuggled the rest of the day away.

* Time skip to 7:30.*

Luna's POV:

I must of fell asleep at some point because I woke up to Zeref laughing and gently poking my cheek. Just then I heard Something snap and turned my head around to find gramps. The strange thing was that Zeref or Gramps wern't surprised to see each other.




"Yup." Zeref calmly replied.

"But how?"

"I've known hew as here since the first day you arived. I also know why you want me to talk with him. And I know about the prophecy."

"What don't you know?"

"I don't know what color your panties are." He said with an almost pervy like grin.

"GRAMPS!!" I yelled.

"Sorry, just kidding."

"Well, would you mind explaining then?" I asked. About an half an hours worth of explaining done and what was basically said was that gramps was gonna let Zeref into the guild knowing he can't harm anything anymore. They wanted to do this as a surprise earlyer, but because Annala got sick, they decided to wait. So we were to bring Zeref back to the guild with us tonight.

* Time skip *

Now back at the guild, the three of us went to the front of the stage so that Zeref could be introduced to the guild.

"Listen up brats. I would like to introduce Zeref as our new guild member." The room went instantly quite and every one looked like they wanted to attack. Zeref was as stiff a board and didn't look like he was gonna move. I hugged his arm hoping it would calm him down a bit. Gramps moved on to explaining why he was here and how everyone wasn't dead yet. Everyone then went back to what they were doing but there was still a bit of uneasiness in the hall. Mira however came up to us and treated Zeref like a normal human being. Zeref got his guild mark and then we tried to see if there was a place he could stay, but unfortunately the dorm rooms on floors three and four of the guild were full.

"Why doesn't he just sleep on my bed while I sleep on my couch?" I asked.

"I suppose it could work for the time being." Mira said cheerfully. So that's what we did. We went upstairs and I got the couch ready for me to sleep on. I changed into my pjs and since Zeref didn't have any other clothes he just wore his shirt and boxers. I was amazed with the older style of clothing he had, he acualy had boxers. I mean seriously. The clothes make him look almost like as if he came from a time period where underwear hadn't been invented yet. We got settled in our respective beds and went to sleep. A few minutes later I heard Zeref get out of the bed and walk twords me. The next thing I know is I'm now in Zeref's arms, back in my bed. I sighed, snuggled closer to his chest and fell asleep.

And that's it for this time. Hope you guys liked it and until next time. BYE!! :)

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