9. Embarassed

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Next Morning ::

Tae was waking up slowly slowly, his eye lids still close , he is sucking it hard in his sleep , he can hear light groans.

He opened his eyes and saw he was sucking something. His eye lids fully opened, just to see a glorious hard chest in front of him , hugging him tightly, and he was sucking his nipples? Like seriously!!!

Realisation hit him , he scream leave his nipples, jungkook jolted from his sleep and fell from the bed.

A curse left his lips, Tae  registered all the information looking around, as jungkook get up from the ground upper body naked just in his trousers.

He was in his bed with his boss , and Jungkook is naked? He saw many hickies in jungkook's neck .

His eyes widened in realisation.

Taehyung pov :

My head was throbbing I can't remember anything but this position seems a little awkward.

" M-mr. Jeon what happened yesterday?..." Why are you naked (blushed) why are we in the same bed?

Jk - You got drunk yesterday..
(He thought to tease him ) You were the one who told me to sleep with you.

But Tae can't remember anything he did yesterday ,only if he know.

Tae - S-so mr. Jeon did we did it last night? (embarassed). playing with his fingers.....

Jk- well actually yeah we did it ,(He came closer to him). And You even called me Daddy!! so you have a daddy kink ? (Smirk).

Tae whole face turned red like a tomato, why he can't remember anything? He moved a little try to find some pain . But he didn't felt anything. Jungkook was enjoying Taehyung state .

Tae- but I didn't feel anything, not even bit-

Jungkook burst out laughing so loud.
Jk- cause we didn't did anything I was just teasing you.

Tae mouth dropped, he was flabbergasted, but looking at jungkook laughing so fondly he stomach did a flip, he surely has become whipped for him.

He slightly hit jungkook chest, he groaned in pain.

Jk- aahh that hurts..ooohhh my chest don't tell you were sucking my nipple all night, he tried to hide his chest with hands.
(His nipple was red swallon and has biting marks )

Tae- S-so-rry I didn't know (pout) in a low voice.

Jk- what were you thinking , milk will come out?...aaisshh...

Tae- sorry sir....

Jk- hmm, it's okay ( glare ).

Tae- Mr. Jeon what else I did yesterday?

Jk - You were just drunk, you don't need to know that.

Tae- please tell me naa....

Jk- I told you right, you don't need to know, it's already done, you didn't do anything to know, so don't pressure your mind .

Leave that, I need to freshen up

Tae- oh! Yes sir you can take a bath , I will go in another bathroom. He was about to go.

Jk- hey ! Wait I will wear?

Tae- ooh yeah right! I have your clothes, when I was at your mansion that night. Wait I will bring it .

Taehyung and Jungkook both went to different bathroom to freshen up. After that tae started preparing for breakfast, he was very hungry so he just made some instant ramen. He was trying to remember anything related to yesterday, but he can't recall anything. But looking at those marks he was blushing madly , he can't even imagine what embarassing things he had done yesterday.

He served for both of them and called for jungkook. Jungkook was looking around his apartment rooms and all.
He came table and they both started eating.

As they both were eating,
Jk- So you live here alone in Seoul?

Tae- yeah , actually well I'm from Daegu , so as I was working there I also lived in a small apartment. Then I  have to come Seoul , so I get this apartment.

Jk- hmm, I see....

So.. there you were also living in apartment (he nodded), what about your parents?

Tae- They died in a car accident when I was 14 years old .

Jk- ooh... I'm sorry I shouldn't aske-..

Tae- n-no it's fine. ..

Jk- Then, do you have any gaurdian or any other siblings?

Tae- No , I was a single child of my eomma and appa...they were best , they loved me so much , those fourteen years were the golden years for me.

Jk- They must be proud of you now , you have grown pretty well and they an see your hardwork (smile).

(But internally he wished tae atleast had lovely parents which he can remember, here he got a family which he doesn't even want to think about it )

Tae- yes Mr. Jeon, after that I was so devastated, then my aunt took me in. But she also betrayed me when I was 16 she took my parents property which is on my name illegally, I was naive she tricked me to sign , she threw me out of my own home, I couldn't able to do anything. (Slight tears ).

Jungkook got up hugged him from side.

Jk- hey!! Don't cry  , I can't see you cry like that.

Tae looked at him and Jungkook wiped his tears.

Jk- but you could have filled a case against her .

Tae- yeah I tried, but she threatened me to ruin my career and everything, and I was just sixteen, I couldn't be able to do anything.

But still at that age , I worked in a coffee shop part time and live on rent . I pursue my studies through scholarships somehow, and then I joined your company as an intern , here I'm now .

Jk- Hmm, it's okay, we will think about it. ......

Don't cry okay, I'm proud of you (smile).

He was looking at me those pretty eyes and his bunny smile, his eyes might not be the colour of ocean, but I drown in them every time.

I also gave tight smile....

They again started eating there breakfast...

Tae- Mr. Jeon (hmm....)
What about your family? You live in your mansion alone. You must be feeling lonely.

Jungkook frozed on his place his body seemed tense.

Jk- i- u-mm a-h a-us e ....
No I don't feel lonely, I always engaged in work from young age , so I dont really feel lonely . He said without even looking at tae.

(But he knows he do feel lonely but he had gotten used to it , it doesn't affect him anymore.)

Tae understand he doesn't want to talk about his family, so he didn't asked any personal questions.

But he knows jungkook is lieing ....
Something is fieshy!!.

After there breakfast, jungkook went to his mansion, taehyung again apologized for his behaviour and Jungkook just said it's okay!!! He smiled and went away.

To be continued....

Hii Taekookies, I had told in announcement, but still if anyone didn't see that let me tell you, I got a new phone...so I was busy setting up that so , update got delayed, so I told you that I will make it up to you with a double update right!.…

So today will be double update, I will update next chapter around midnight okay!!! , I hope you like this part , ignore my mistakes and don't forget to vote and comment, Until then stay tuned take care...
Love you 💜

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