5. Terrified

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Jungkook pov:

I was signing some files and Taehyung appear.

Tae- Good Morning Mr. Jeon, your schedule :..today-

- you don't have much work, you just have to sign the files of project Lara.
and have a personal meeting with Mr. Park , and then you are free.

Jk- hmm okay , when Mr. Park will arrive?

Tae- may be upto 10 :00.

Jk- alright, after that I'm free hmm..i have to go there anyways you can go now.
Well how's your hand now?

Tae- It's good sir , I will take my leave.

After Taehyung left i started signing the files, as I have to go there (??) place.

Taehyung pov:

where did he go in, Wednesday and Thursday?, he always tell me clear his schedule, does he have a girlfriend or something? Whatever let's complete our work, I will complete it today somehow.

As I started doing my work, the time was going on , I was feeling a little dizzy , I know why ...cause I'm skipping meals most of the time, it's started giving headache to me . But this work is also important I will complete it today. I informed Mr. Jeon that Mr. Park has arrived and their meeting was going on, as it's a personal meeting so I didn't go there.

Time is running so fast , I was engrossed in work too much that I didn't see the time it's almost evening.
But still there some work is left .

So after a break I again started doing it . But I was feeling sick I just took a pain killer , I was feeling so weak and sleepy.

Office hours are almost over, but I'm gonna do overtime, i thought I will complete it till 8-9 may be?. ... Only some files are left I will complete it within 2 hours.

Mr. Jeon didn't know about it though, that I'm working that long , I know he will scold me for working that late , he may be strict but he knows his employees are humans not a robot.
He cared about them though giving them a minimum time to work, but this people's don't understand it. Lazy asses.

After a while,

Shit!!! I got late it's already 8:00 ...
Let's take a break for sometime, my bottle is empty, tsk.... I have to go to cafeteria now ,

I left my cabin , went to cafeteria in down floor.. i heard some noises...
I stopped in my track, " hello is somebody there? ........ hello ....is some is here ". Am I imagining things now ?.
I walked towards the cafeteria, but then I heard a tune . I frozed on my place. My whole body was trembling, I looked behind and saw the person coming towards me with whistling a tune.

I know that person from my college, he was a psycho he was behind me from college what he is doing here ?.
On that time he even tried to kill me, just because I rejected him. Not again!!!.

??- Missed me baby boy?...hmm .hahaa.. he started laughing psychotically.

Tae- w-what ar-e you doi-ing here.. Lee hyun.

Lee hyun- ohh didn't you missed me (smirk), haha... I'm working here since very long, i 'm watching you here so long but didn't get a chance to meet you tsk... Right !! But don't worry you will be mine now , if not mine then nobody's haha (psycho).

He come towards him grabbed his neck and inhaled his scent , "hmm you still smell so sweet" ,
He pinned him to the wall , started licking his neck .

Tae- Leave me you bastard,

Tae kicked him in his balls , he fell down and ran from there towards the entrance, but he started feeling dizzy, he was already weak he can't run , he saw Lee hyun stand up again.

So Taehyung ran in different direction reached to bathroom and locked himself. He was so terrified . He don't know what to do ? Right now only one person come to his mind Jungkook.

He called him but Jungkook is not picking up his calls. Still he tried again and again but no response, he was feeling so helpless . Then he heard lee Hyun voice .

Lee hyun- Tae baby , where are you look i'm worried for you , you will hurt yourself or I will ..(whistling).

Taehyung was so terrified he started crying but kept his hands on mouth to stop his wimpering , but then his phone rang caller ID: Mr. Jeon .

But lee Hyun also heard it, he heard footsteps coming closer, he pick up the call-....

Jk- Hell-...

Tae - S- sir..... plea-se help me...he is co-m-ing , he will - ki-ll me ...

Jk- what??? Where are you who is coming?...

Tae- In of-fice bat-hro-om, he is coming in this direc--tion plea-se lee Hyun he is a psycho..... (There you are baby boy )..

Jk - Heyyy!!! I'm coming okay stay safe ....I will be there!!!!.... Cut-

Shitt!!! What's happening...

Jungkook left his mansion going towards his office, he was driving in high speed, in middle called Police too.

In the office ::-

Lee hyun opened the door and dragged Taehyung out of there, Tae was already weak , so he can't push him. But still to buy some time, he kicked his knees and ran but he grabbed his hairs from behind.

Lee hyun - Baby don't be like that let me show whom you belongs to...

Tae - lea--ve m-e plea-se... It's h-urti-ng ...sto-pp, I'm no-t you-r's , why can't you-... (Slap)..

Tae fell on the floor..
Lee hyun- You said what!!! you are not mine? , YOU ARE ONLY MINE GOT IT (Slap)...(SLAP)....


He grabbed Taehyung hairs lift him up , teared his shirt revealing his body, shoulder side was revealing, he was forcing on him .

Tae- ple-ase lea-ve me don't do this ...

He wa kissing and sucking on his neck , tae was feeling helpless he don't have the strength, his body was giving up , feeling dizzy tears left from eyes.

Before he can go further a punch landed on lee Hyun's face , Tae was Jerked back in someone arms. He looked up to see Jungkook.

Lee hyun gets up , but before he can do something police grabbed him and took him away while he thrashing in their holds . TAE YOU ARE MINE , ONLY MINE HHAHAHA (Psycho laugh).

Tae was feeling extreme emotions he cried loudly, "He tr- ied to he will come again he (crying)".....

"Don't cry everything is fine , I'm here for you okay , he can't do anything" He hugged him tightly, Tae too hugged him feeling safe in his arms , but his body last string broke and blackness surrounded his senses and he fainted.

" Taehyung wake up Tae- ...."

Jungkook took him in bridal style and went to his mansion.

To be continued.......
Hii Taekookies, another update for you .. Ignore my mistakes .... Thankyou guys i hope you all liked the story, I'm getting good response from you all!!😄😄...

I was going to do double update, I'm not sure may or may not if I will try to update, till midnight.
Untill than stay tuned take care...
Love u 💜

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