She gave an awkward smile and saw him take a seat at the table across from her.

"I thought it best I stay here instead of traveling back and forth; this way I can avoid drawing any more attention to us than there already is." Kingsley explained after seeing Ginny's expression; one of which seemed to be questioning why Kingsley was here at this time of night.

"Oh.... makes sense." she said in a small voice; blowing gently on her tea.

They sat there in silence with just the occasional sound of them sipping on their tea. All Ginny could think about was that awful nightmare she just had; it was mostly about her reliving the moments of when she was fighting off the curse she had been under. Ginny suddenly felt Kingsley's eyes on her and she was starting to feel quite uncomfortable, so much so that she was about to excuse herself when he finally spoke.

"What is on your mind Miss Weasley, I can tell you're bothered by something."

She stared at him for a moment and then let out a long sigh; she didn't know why she was about to confide in Kingsley of all people, but she rather not worry Draco with some silly nightmares.

"It's just that..... I had a...... bad dream is all." she hurried the last part up when she heard how childish she sounded and quickly looked at the cup of tea in her hands.

"I take it that.... by answering me.... it could only be about-"

"Yeah," she cut him off; taking another small sip of her tea.

He nodded.

"Miss Weasley, do you know why the curse was lifted? Why this darkness finally decided to leave you?"

She shook her head.

"Well, I won't sit here and pretend that I know for certain, but if I had to guess, I think it felt threatened, so when you so bravely put your own life on the line it didn't see any more use for its...... pardon my words...... for its host. It knew that you would stop at nothing to protect the ones you love....... even if it meant taking your own life."

Ginny thought about what he said, part of her understood and another part didn't, but she wasn't even sure if she wanted to know anything further.

"Ginny...... there has been Dark magic used these past few months that even I have never seen before....... something completely new to the Wizarding world. It could very well be that we will never know all the answers to this particular curse." he said, giving her a small smile.

She nodded again before wrapping her hands tighter around her mug to warm her cold hands. "Do you think we're going to win?" she asked suddenly.

Kingsley looked at her; a small grin crossed his lips. "I like our chances and if not we certainly will go out with a bang."

Ginny gave a small giggle. "That's one way of putting it."

"Seriously though, I have been doing some recruiting myself and Mr. Longbottom will be arriving tomorrow as well. I think we will be in for some surprises, but I think we have a chance and a good one at that." he said confidently with another small smile.

Ginny smiled back at him and then gave another small laugh. "Well, thanks for the tea, Sir. I suppose I'll get back to bed." she said, getting up from her seat.

"Of course, Goodnight Miss Weasley."

Ginny quietly crawled back into her bed beside Draco and felt him automatically pull her closer to his chest as he let out a soft breath and continued to sleep. She propped herself up on her elbow and just stared at him; noticing how calming it was for her to watch him sleep and she suddenly realized it was Draco Malfoy lying beside her. She bit her lip to stop herself from letting a giggle out and just shook her head at the thought. Never in her wildest or far off dreams would she ever think the blond Slytherin beside her would be the man she was madly in love with..... engaged to and the Mother of two of his children.

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