Chapter9: Gravity

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Disclaimer: Mentions/depictions of murder,blood,violence and assault.

Please Read at your own discretion.

" You're not the only kid that i have."

" Yes, you heard me right. You are not the only kid that i have. And if he ever turned out to be useless as well. I can just have a new one.You see, I'm still young,pretty and healthy. It shouldn't be hard for me to find another man. If you want to continue living, you've got to prove your worth. Only then can you truly survive in this world. So fight. It's your life on the line. Verose won't stop until you're dead..."

The Queen, Scythe sounded so nonchalant with her words that it left Jeonghan in a daze cuz of disbelief, betray and fear. Sadness,being forlorned, loneliness....He felt his breath hitched.

The wave of emotions and turmoil washing through him right now was harsher than the coldest winter wind.

Like a snowstorm, it hit him cold and hard.

His chest was heavy with all the wrong emotions a kid his age shouldn't have to bear but he was compelled to bear them all...

Stuck in a daze he didn't notice the fist hurling towards him as Verose grabbed him arm whilst his gaze followed her mother's trails.

The first landed on his right cheek breaking him out of his daze as he fell on the cold, hard carpet.

The throbbing pain brought him out of his numbness.

In the next second, he was met with another throbbing pain in his stomach as Verose kicked him.

He coughed raspily as hot tears formed in his eyes.

She kicked him again before pulling him by his hair and then slapped him multiple times till his cheeks swell.

She then hurled him against the wall of the room.

Little Jeonghan's back hit the hard surface of the wall and before his body could even recover from the shock, Verose striked him in his abdomen with her knee him making him slump down hard on the floor whilst clutching at his stomach.

His nose was bloodied with blood as strings of blood flowed down from them as he began to threw up blood due to the wall slam and knee strike from Verose.

Because Jeonghan was clutching at his stomach somehow trying to protect himself, Verose instead began to step on him multiple times. Each one with a force one would exact on an adult, not a kid.

Then when she saw his chest unprotected, she hurled a striking kick right in his chest sending an excruciating pain and a choking feeling in his body making his airways feel restricted.

It hurt terribly and it made his Breathing heavier and harder.

But all this while, he did not fight back nor let a whimper of scream or yell escape his lips. All he did was gasp for air as Verose beat him mercilessly.

But there was undeniable pain coursing through his body and it was now getting harder to breathe as he felt a choking sensation in his chest and throat.

His eyes were swollen and so were his cheeks. Blood tainted his teeth as he coughed up blood.

His body was shivering from the pain and mechanical shock he received on his body as Verose hit him multiple times even slamming him against the wall.

Suddenly he caught hold of Verose's arm as she was just about to hit him and he looked into her eyes. They were empty and dark. Too empty they didn't even reflect his face or any emotions.

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