Chapter 6: Hide and seek.

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The two kids watched in amazement as the young butterfly spread its wings  and began to fly. Slowly but steadily as strength filled it's wings and it lifted itself up in the air in delicate, graceful movements.

It's wings fluttering in the air in perfect harmony.

This little scene brought smiles upon the tiny faces of the two delighted kids.

And watching over them was a little birdie. It twitch its little head to the sides as if trying to comprehend what the little kids were talking about before flying off.

And off it flew and soon entered a majestically furnished room through its giant open window.

A beautiful, stern looking woman sat near the open window with her handmaiden, Verose attending to her.

" What gossips do my little birdie have for me?" Said the woman as she lend her ear to the little birdie.

The said woman happened to be the Queen herself, Jeonghan's mother. And the handmaiden, Verose attending to her was indeed Kiki's mother.

The silence of the room was filled in with the chirpings of the little birdie.

".........hmmm Verose?"

" Yes, Your majesty." replied Verose, her head bowed humbly in modesty.

"What do you think of your daughter?"

It was a simple question. No, a seemingly simple question whose nature contradicts itself. And Verose knew it very well. The intent behind the question.

She knew the Queen absolutely frowns upon the princess'(prince) association with her low born daughter.

But Verose is her trusted, personal maiden.

And she had no qualms letting the kids play together before. Why now? What changed?

The Queen was a difficult person to read or please. It was hard even breathing normally around her.

Verose was perhaps the only person who had tolerated the Queen and come this far.

Kiki was the only reason to carry on, her source of strength to tolerate everything and carry on with her work. Her work.

" She's a naive young girl who has much to learn."

But the Queen interrupted her.

" She's a free spirit. One that won't want to be bound to anything so long as her heart does not desire it. A stubborn but free spirited girl. A variable, I'd say." The Queen continued for her handmaiden.

Verose was surprised by the Queen's words.

Its evident that the Queen had been keenly watching over the little girl.

Fear and anxiety began to clutch at the usually calm and indifferent handmaiden.

But she managed to keep her demeanor unchanged as before- calm and expressionless.

" What would you describe her as? Your daughter, I mean." The Queen asked again.

Verose was silent for a whole as she searched for the right word in her mind before coming up with an answer.

" A meadow horse....."

" I see....A butterfly, a horse. She fits the picture well..." The Queen mumbled under her breath.

" What about my child, then? What would you use to describe the so called lofty princess of the kingdom?" She asked again.

"A sapling of a big tree.( trying to root deeper, trying to survive under the cruel torrents of a storm.A butterfly larva..... waiting for it's due time.....)"

The Queen's Palanquin [Seventeen fanfiction]( ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now