Chapter7: A welcoming atmosphere

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Mingyu shifted his body uncomfortably in his bed. He couldn't really sleep nor rest. Not when guilt was eating at him. He couldn't help feeling pathetic and blamed himself for what happened to Wonwoo. For dragging him and Seungkwan into his mess. It started from a small, clumsy and silly mistake but it escalated into something big.

He was busy drowning himself in his thoughts that he didn't heard the knock on his door.

Seungkwan was restless and he knew that Mingyu would be feeling the same. If  not then,worse.

He couldn't really sleep nor rest not when he knows that his friend and fellow brother,Wonwoo is alone in captive and Mingyu is probably beating himself to it for it.

So he decided to visit Mingyu in his guestroom, talk to him giving him company,also make sure that he isn't doing anything dumb in frustration to himself, perhaps try to help him feel better and also discuss what to do next.

Seungkwan stood at the door of the room just next to his which is Mingyu's room.

He decided to knock in case he was sleeping but there was no response. He knocked again but there was no response still.

Is he asleep...?

He decided to knock again, a little louder this time and called Mingyu's name this time.

Why isn't he he okay....

He started to feel uneasy and just decided to enter.

Seungkwan saw that Mingyu was sitting on the bed, lost in his thoughts. He was completely out of it.

Upon seeing Mingyu, Seungkwan felt a bit relieved but seeing the older with a miserable expression on his face, he felt bad for him and he felt sad as well.

Mingyu didn't see Seungkwan approaching.

"Hey...Mingyu, You okay?" Seungkwan gently shook Mingyu to break him out of his deep thoughts, probably just him blaming himself, feeling pathetic, frustrated and how things would have turned out if he didn't drag his friends into it.

"O-Oh Seungkwannah, I'm sorry i didn't see you. I was just(sigh)........ so lost in my own thoughts,I guess..."

"I know..... I knocked thrice n even called out your name but you didn't respond."

"I'm sorry,Boo"

" It's okay, don't bother yourself over it. i had a lot on my mind too........Wanna talk it out with me? I'm sure it's better than just dawdling about it on your own."

".....................Actually,Boo. I want to apologize for dragg-"

"Don't! I mean don't apologize for that."

"But I-"

"No, listen to me. I'm serious when i said you didn't have to apologize to me.Besides You didn't drag me here, I tagged along. Because if I didn't, I would be too worried sick to let you leave alone to this, who knows what lurks around, hell-place. And....I'm glad i did."

Seungkwan looked straight in the eyes at Mingyu as he said these but he soon turned away as he continued.

 "I couldn't have left you alone......and honestly, if anyone, I'm the one who's kinda at fault here for what happened to Wonwoo."

"No, Boo What are you-"

" If i hadn't let him know.....He wouldn't have followed us here out of worry.I'm sorry,Mingyu. I feel selfish for letting him know just so i could feel a sense of security when i enter  this hellhole of a place." Seungkwan's gaze lowered and he did not meet Mingyu's eyes.

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