Chapter 5:🦋 Weakness 🦋

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12 years earlier in the kingdom of Eniama.

In the blooming gardens of the big castle are two little kids playing under the warmth of the blight sun.

"Jonhana~Look! A bwutterfly!" A little 6 year old girl by the name of Kiki said as she reach out to catch the butterfly sitting on a flower.

" Kiki, don't! Mother says they are icky!" The little boy Jeonghan said.

"No, they are not. They are hurmless." The girl softly retorted as she brings the butterfly on her hand close to the boy.

" Look, isn't she pwetty?" Kiki starred fondly at the butterfly.

"Mommy says when we die, we can bwecome pwetty bwutterflies too." The girl showed a toothless smile to the little boy, Jeonghan who just looked at the girl in silence.

He then smiled back at the girl.


Meanwhile in the castle, a lady in her mid thirties dressed in a big, grand dress looked down from a window to the scene beneath in the garden- her son playing with the daughter of her hand maiden.

A knock was heard.

" Your majesty, the arch-mage has arrived."

The woman who happens to be the Queen shifted her body and turned her attention away from the scene below as she walked out from the room.

" Your majesty,I present my humble greetings to you." A brown haired man bowed and greeted the Queen with utmost respect and appropriate etiquettes.

Long, red jewels hung from both ears and his face presented a sweet, warm smile which was somehow unreadable.

" Arch-mage...." The Queen addressed the man nonchalantly.

" Please, call me DK." The man replied.

" I see. Now is it safe to assume you have a gist of what it is that I want?"

Straight to the point,I see. The new Queen is quite interesting....

"It regards your daughter, I believe?"

"I'd rather you be honest with me. Will make things easier.I believe." The Queen's eyes were cold and sharp. They lacked emotion.

The arch-mage,DK let out a soft chuckle before looking straight into the Queen's eyes.

DK knew that the kingdom's lofty princess was indeed a boy, a prince-a cursed prince.

"So you trust me?" DK had a look of amused.

" No, but your skills."

" Fair enough. What do you wish me to do?"

" Make a guess. Show me your legibility, arch-mage DK."

Interesting. Maybe this time, things will be a bit different. I'm tired of the same old charades of these mortal fools.


Inside the Queen's Chamber

" Mother..."the little boy looked down nervously as he approached the Queen,his mother.

" Lift your head, Jeonghan. Look straight in my eyes." The Queen said as she approached her son.

Her footsteps are stern yet light and with step, it shows power, dignity and elegance.

The timid little boy looked lifted his head slowly to meet her mother's cold and sharp gaze.

He shuddered under her strong gaze and tried to look away but maintain the eye contact with shaky pupils.

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