Chapter 2: Where may the necklace be

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Seungkwan was about to enter the dorms when a hand stopped him. His heart beat dropped. N he held in his screams. He was more than terrified. He held his breath in.

Shit.....Calm down Seungkwan it's alright. It's ok. You can do this.

He was met with a pair of mystical brown orbs looking into his own set of eyes. The man had short dark black hair wherein some fringes of his hair fell over his forehead over his eyes.

He was dressed in a dull white robe and a thin black veil covered his face.

" Hey, can you lend me a hand?" A rich, crisp and calm voice broke through to him.

Seungkwan nodded in reply.

He tried to act unsuspecting and followed the man without a question.

The man was a little taller than him and had a build similar to Mingyu.

Soon the man led him to one of the rooms in the dorm.

The room was spacious and dimly lit. It seemed like a storage room where extra clothes,lamps, candles , curtains,utensils,chairs, furnitures,etc were kept for the residents of the castle especially for the servants.

There were two massive shelves lining the adjacent walls of the room.

He could see books, sceptres, spherical balls, boxes,etc kept on the shelves. Dust had gathered on them. It seems this room is hardly used or visited.

As he looked around his eyes landed on something shining in the dim light of the room.

Is...that? I need to take a closer look.

He warily walked over to the shining object. Unfortunately it was just a ring. He quickly picked it up before turning to the man in front of him who was busy searching for something in the pile.

Soon the man picked out four boxes and some other stuff.He dusted them carefully with a brush before beckoning Seungkwan.

"The Queen's Chamber." The man said nonchalantly as he handed two of the boxes to him.

Seungkwan heart beat rose once again as he took the boxes when he learnt for whom the boxes were for.

The man took two more boxes, a goblet and a vessel about the size of a small pot. He placed a brush and the goblet inside the vessel.

Soon they were on their way to the Queen's Chamber towards the south of the castle.

Seungkwan noticed how silent and graceful his companion's steps were. He noticed that the man walked with his head held straight looking forward in his path like a polished aristocrat.

Seungkwan himself was of noble birth but he felt somewhat inferior to the man in terms of his walk.

The man's walk was as silent and as graceful as a big cat.

Sure Seungkwan didn't drag his feet nor did he stomp his feet. He walked gracefully and elegantly as a man of his stature should. His footsteps were soft and light. But he walked a tad bit slower. And he also felt that his footsteps weren't as silent as the man next to him.

He felt uneasy and the fact he was carrying the boxes didn't help. The boxes were relatively light but the longer he walked the more he felt burdened as he felt himself approaching nearer to the Queen's Chamber.

What if the man next to him had caught on to what had happened judging by the way he walked or his body language.

Seungkwan was sure the servants here aren't normal nor are they the average servants you can find in the castles or palaces of any other fiefs or territories within the kingdom.

The Queen's Palanquin [Seventeen fanfiction]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora