Chapter 4: 🌺Leads:A dead end🌺

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(......Long, long ago there was a powerful female sorcerer. She was powerful but lonely. So,She established the kingdom of Eniama and there she ruled for a long time. But one day she became tired of it all. She decided to passed it to her successor. So she began searching for one. And found a suitable candidate- a woman. A strong woman of great will power and command. So, she chose her to be the next Queen. She then, blessed her and handed her command over her kingdom and the ghosts of Lamlaihs to oversee the kingdom on every blood moon.
She also blessed the blood moon night and also gave a secret,special blessing to it in additional......for the purpose of which no one knows....)

Contd from earlier chapter......

The Queen nodded her head in approval to Mingyu's lengthy apology.

"You have 7 days starting tomorrow. I'd rather not count the blood moon night."

The Queen stated.

Both Seungkwan and Mingyu were shocked by the deadline. They couldn't believe their ears. They were asked to basically go against one of the most powerful Queens in the history of Eniama, the late Queen, Queen Scythe.

And the now Queen expects them to succeed in what, 7 days!?? This was crazy.

"Or you might as well start today itself.....or now!" The arch-mage grinned widely. His grin clearly visible in his eyes.

"There is no knowing what the late queen is thinking right now. No offense, but she can be a bit unhinged sometimes." He continued, his eyes still wearing the same grin.

" Not as unhinged as you, Arch-mage DK." The red haired, Hao said.

" A-arch-mage...!?" Seungkwan asked surprised.

"Ah yes, I haven't introduced myself, have I?" The arch-mage turned to Seungkwan and bowed before introducing himself " My name's DK and yes,I'm the infamous arch-mage of this Kingdom."

As soon as he said this, he removed the veil covering his face revealing a sharp nosed handsome face adorned with a pleasant smile.

It's my first time seeing the arch-mage in person. I've only ever heard of him. But....why does he look so young? Isn't he supposed to be super old right now?

Seungkwan couldn't help but wonder.

Mingyu had a similar thought as well. The arch-mage had served the previous Queen as a full grown young man. Therefore there is no way he can be still so young. It's possible that he is the previous arch-mage's successor. There's no way the previous arch-mage is still this young. Of course the old arch-mage would have a successor.

But it's the first time the successor made an appearance like this. Nobody had even heard of him.

DK seemed amused by the expressions or rather the reactions of the two young men when he revealed his face.

" Why? Are you so shocked by my handsomeness,Hmmm?" DK teased playfully.

" You guys are literally gawking at me." He smirked and his grin was replaced by a smug expression.

"(Tch) you are not even that handsome." Mingyu mumbled under his breath but it was still audible to others due to the silence of the room.

The red haired guy chuckled lightly at this.

" So what can we do to free our friend?" Mingyu asked.

"That's for you to figure out. That's your test afterall." Hao said quite nonchalantly.

"But that's ridiculous!" Mingyu piped up, irked by the insensibility of the test.

" We have no leads whatsoever." He continued.

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