Paw Patrol: Sleepover Pup Snacks

Start from the beginning

Tundra: Any!

Liberty: Sweet!

Rubble: Can we please start?

Wildfire: (giggles) Sure Rubble!

Venus: Let's see which pup has the tummy to eat the buffet we'll be providing!

Rubble and Everest: Me!

Luna: I've got the biggest appetite!

(Moonbeam and Dot arrive)

Luna: (notices) (happily) Mom, sis!

Dot: We couldn't miss this sis!

Moonbeam: (smiles and nods) Agreed my precious pup!

Luna: (smiles knowing her family is here)

Everest: It's nice you mom and sister could be here!

Luna: It sure is!

(several helper chest caterers arrives before magically generating over several dozen pup sushi on plates)

Venus: At least sixty pup sushi each!

Everest and Rubble: Cool!

Jake: You can do it pups!

Everest: Thanks Jake!

(the trio ravenously devour the pup sushi in several minutes)

Liberty: Wow! (chuckles) Glad I didn't go against those three in this eating contest!

Skye: (giggles) Me either!

Wildfire: Next dish sixty five magical meatballs each!

Rubble and Everest: (cheers) Yay!

Luna: Yum!

Everest: Wait, are they weight changing?

Wildfire: All good, it's the normal one! But naturally gaining weight is different!

Everest: (nods) Just checking!

(once the all meatballs arrive the trio ravenously devour them in several minutes)

Jake: (chuckles) Those three are quite hungry!

Moonbeam: Glad us Lycan pups really know how to wolf down our food!

Wildfire: Next serving is a big stack of pizza!

Rubble: (groans) Sounds yummy!

Everest: (paw on her belly) Come on tummy, we can do this!

Luna: (calmly) No one's forcing you both to eat beyond your limits?

Everest: Force of habit!

Rubble: Yeah!

(the helper chest caterers provide at least twenty four extra large pizzas with lots of meat)

Everest: Whoa! Extra large pizzas with meat!

Rubble: I can't resist either!

(many pizzas latter)

Rubble: (groans after eating several pizzas) Too much! (collapses from over eating)

Ryder: Let's get you checked out Rubble!

Rubble: (nods) Too much, even for me! (falls asleep then snores)

Marshall: (walks over) Never thought I'd hear Rubble say those words!

Chase: (walks over) Me too!

Everest: Looks like it's just you and me, Luna!

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