Underworld (Sean/White) - Devils in the House

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Author's note: Part 21/??

Sean wasn't scared. It would be an understatement. He was scared shitless. His palms were sweating, and his body trembled with the thought of the evil twin's strength. White said he couldn't kill him but tell it to Black. Gumpa was back, done with his protective magic or whatever he was doing outside, and it meant facing Black. 

Sean stood up from the couch, kissing White as if it was the last thing he would do in this world. 

"You can do it." White packed his lips and sent him towards the prepared matt in the centre of the garage. Black was already waiting for him. All smug and fearless, like a king of the underworld himself. Sean braced himself, trying to calm his racing heart. The look in Black's eyes sent shivers down his spine. 

"Come at me, human," Black commanded, his deep voice resounding through every bone in his body. Flames on Black's dark horns burned bright red. Sean stepped closer, lifting his hands to cover his face. The first blow came out of nowhere, hitting his side. He didn't even see Black move. Sean ignored the pain and focused on the devil's figure. Black disappeared again, kicking the back of his leg, and making him kneel. He huffed as the pain flashed through him and quickly stood up again. He locked eyes with Black, provoking him to continue. The devil smirked, moving again. Sean caught him with the corner of his eye but was too slow to avoid the punch. Black's fist landed on his jaw, making him stumble. Sean traced the corner of his mouth with his tongue, tasting the blood. He wiped the red liquid with the back of his hand. 

He was pisse of. Black played with him like a mouse and there was no way he could get him back.

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