Creation (Sean/White)

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Sean scowled at the clothes strewn across his bed. He examined the washed-out shirts in varying shades of black and sighed. Did he not own anything more presentable? How could he show up in front of White in these tattered clothes? It was their first official date after all the hassle. Sean picked out his cleanest black shirt, jeans, and green jacket that he knew White loved and changed. He checked himself in the small mirror, shrugging. He couldn't understand what an angel like White saw in him. Whatever it was Sean couldn't see it. He still couldn't believe White, the God's creation, was his boyfriend. White was so cute and pretty, the opposite of his grumpy brother. 

With all his belongings gathered, Sean rushed to his bike. It was a shame, White had decided to live with Black. Although Sean understood that his tiny boyfriend needed to reconnect with his lost sibling, he couldn't help feeling lonely without White's soft and warm body beside him.

The ride to the twin's flat was fast. Sean parked his bike beside Black's and rushed upstairs. He took a deep breath to calm his racing heart and knocked. The door opened, revealing annoyed Black. He scanned Sean's appearance and scowled. Turning his head inside the house Black shouted at his brother. 

"White, your lap dog is here!" 

"Sean is not a lap dog, P'Black!" White scolded his brother. A smile spread on Sean's face when his cute boyfriend pushed Black out of the entrance.

"Hi, Sean." White leaned closer and kissed his cheek. 

"Hi, baby." Sean returned the favour, ignoring gaging Black. 

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