Ambrosia (Off/Gun & Tay)

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Tay glanced at the neatly packed lunch box that lay on the table in front of him. He wasn't sure where the thing came from, but he assumed it was from one of his fans. He looked around the office, trying to spot anyone who could answer his question, but the room was empty. Tay shrugged the last of the doubts as his stomach growled. Patting his belly comfortingly, he reached for the colourful box and opened it. The room was soon filled with the delicious aroma of freshly made food. Tay's mouth salivated just from the smell itself. He quickly grabbed the included utensils and dug in. 

He moaned in satisfaction when the soup touched his tongue. The taste was a sheer ambrosia. Tay continued eating with gusto when the piercing shriek echoed through the office, interrupting his meal time. 

"P'Tay, no!!" 

Tay looked behind, spotting teary-eyed Gun and his angry-looking best friend beside him. 

"What happened?" He asked confusedly. The couple walked over, and Tay could tell Gun tried hard not to cry. Off's hand was resting on the small of his back comfortingly. 

"You ate Papii's lunch." Gun hiccuped. Tay's face scrunched, glancing at the lunch box on his table. His eyes widened, realizing what he had just done. 

"I am sorry, Pet. The lunch box was on my table, and I thought it was from the fan." Tay apologized.

"It was delicious and I couldn't stop eating. I am sorry." He added as if it could comfort the younger actor. 

"Really, Peng? It has no sticker on top, and you thought it was from the fan?" Off grumbled and Tay understood, why he was upset.

"Sorry again." Tay rubbed the back of his neck. 

"I can't with you." Off growled. 

"It's okay, Papii. Gun is not angry, so Papii shouldn't be too. At least P'Tay likes what I cooked." Gun smiled at them. Off frowned and glared at Tay before he scooped Gun into his arms. Tay shook his head and returned to the dish, ignoring the corny couple. 

OffGun March Collection of Drabbles 2024Where stories live. Discover now