I'm back?

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Yes I am back. For as long as I can write, I will. School took my joy in writing.


With a steady breath, I greet the dawn,
"Hello," I say, a new day spawned.
A word so small, yet vast in scope,
A bridge to build, a seed of hope.

"Hello," I whisper, bold yet meek,
A sign of strength, a peek to seek.
For in this greeting lies a chance,
To join the dance, to take a stance.

Yet caution lingers in the air,
With every "hello" I must beware.
For not all doors should be swung wide,
Some best left closed, with care implied.

So with a voice both firm and clear,
I'll speak my "hello," despite the fear.
For every hello starts a tale,
A journey set, with wind in sail.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 21 ⏰

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