Starry fireballs

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In the canvas of the night, the stars alight,
A celestial spectacle, a breathtaking sight,
Amidst the velvet black, they shimmer and they gleam,
But tonight, my dear, they are not what they seem.

For the sky is filled with fireballs ablaze,
Comets dancing gracefully in a cosmic haze,
With tails that trail like ethereal veils,
They journey through the heavens, leaving tales.

Each fireball a storyteller, on a cosmic quest,
Traveling through time, each one distinct from the rest,
Whispering secrets from distant realms unknown,
In the language of the universe, they intone.

They streak across the firmament, burning bright,
Leaving trails of stardust, woven in the night,
A celestial ballet, a symphony of light,
Their ephemeral beauty a wondrous sight.

They remind us that life, too, is transient and fleet,
Like shooting stars in the sky, brief and sweet,
But in their fleeting existence, they leave a mark,
A reminder of the universe's eternal spark.

As I gaze up at the heavens, I can't help but sigh,
For these fiery messengers soaring high,
They teach us to embrace our finite place,
And cherish every moment, every grace.

So let us marvel at the fireballs' flight,
In the tapestry of stars on this cosmic night,
For in their brilliance, we find our place,
Amidst the grandeur of the celestial space.

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