birds chirping

3 0 0

Price, a word so often heard,

A measure of worth, a value assigned.

But what is the true price of things,

Beyond the numbers, beyond what the market brings?

For the price of love, for instance,

Is not something that can be measured in currency, perchance.

It's a feeling, a connection, a bond,

Something that cannot be bought or sold, a fond.

And the price of friendship, what is that worth?

Is it measured in time spent, in memories made, in mirth?

Or is it something deeper, more profound,

A treasure that cannot be quantified, a ground.

So let us not focus on the price of things,

But on the value they bring, the joy they bring,

For in the end, that is what truly matters,

Not the price, but the love, the friendship, the laughter.

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