No way out

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In life's labyrinth, I wander, lost and frail,
Each corridor, a loop, an endless trail.
Walls rise high, a fortress with no gate,
In this maze of fate, I contemplate.

No crack of light, no sliver of an exit found,
The silence roars, a deafening sound.
Paths worn by weary feet circle back,
A relentless track, a world so black.

Hope flickers like a candle in the wind,
A fleeting dance, on wicks that thin.
Despair's heavy cloak, a constant shroud,
In its folds I'm bowed, beneath clouds so proud.

Yet in this void, where escape seems but a dream,
I search for seams, for a hopeful gleam.
For even in the darkest night's embrace,
Stars trace, a celestial grace.

So I'll walk on, through the shadow's doubt,
And though I shout, with no way out,
I'll hold to the thought, however slight,
That after the night, comes morning light.

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