sore throat

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A blaze ignites within my throat,
A searing pain, no gentle note.
Each swallow a trial, a burning plea,
A fiery grip that won't set me free.

Words turn to ash upon my tongue,
A smoldering tale, yet unsung.
The embers of discomfort flare,
In the inferno's hold, I'm ensnared.

A scorching silence fills my days,
A smoky haze, a fevered blaze.
I seek relief, a cooling balm,
In the midst of fire, a sought-after calm.

Yet through the flames, I find a spark,
A resilience in the heated dark.
For even as my throat's on fire,
I'm kindled by a strong desire,

To rise above the fiery trial,
To speak again, after a while.
So I'll endure this scalding bout,
Until the flames of pain burn out.

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