Story of Jesus in poem form

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In ancient lands where stories dwell,
A tale of grace and love to tell,
Of a man who walked this earthly sod, Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

Born in a humble stable's light,
A beacon of hope on that holy night,
Wrapped in love and divine embrace,
A Savior sent to redeem our race.

His life a tapestry of compassion and care,
He healed the sick and heard each prayer,
With gentle words and miracles, He taught,
The boundless love His Father sought.

Through deserts vast and troubled seas,
He spread the message of inner peace,
The lost, the weary, all found a place,
In the warmth of His divine embrace.

A parable weaved with timeless truth,
A message that transcends age and youth,
He taught forgiveness, mercy, and grace,
To live with love and serve in embrace.

In the garden of olives, He prayed alone,
Bearing the weight of sins yet unknown,
With thorns, a crown upon His brow,
He embraced the cross, fulfilling His vow.

Nailed to the tree, He bore our shame, In darkness,
He cried out His Father's name, "Forgive them, for they know not what they do,"
A love unending, profound, and true.

Upon the cross, He took our place,
Redemption granted through boundless grace,
Three days later, death was overcome,
In a tomb, He rested, God's only Son.

But death could not contain the Light,
He rose triumphant, dispelling the night,
Ascended to heaven, at God's right hand,
An intercessor, our sins to understand.

In the hearts of many, His love resides,
A beacon of hope that forever guides,
For Jesus Christ, the Son of God,
Continues to lead where His footsteps trod.

So let us cherish His sacred name,
Embrace His teachings, never the same,
For in His life and sacrifice divine,
A love eternal, we shall ever find.

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