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Wolves, creatures of the wild,

Majestic and powerful, yet so graceful and mild.

With their sharp senses and sharp teeth,

They roam the forests, a force to be reckoned with beneath.

Their howls, haunting and eerie,

Echo through the trees, sending shivers up our spines, so cheery.

But for the wolves, it's a song of their own,

A way to communicate, to let each other know they are not alone.

In the moonlight, they hunt and prowl,

Their sleek forms moving silently, a sight to behold, a growl.

But they are more than just fierce hunters,

They are also mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers.

So let us respect and admire,

These magnificent creatures of the wild, a fire.

For they are a crucial part of the balance of nature,

Wolves, a wonder to behold, a treasure.

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