23. yayayayyayaayaayaaayayya (spam)

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Katsuki stirred as he was flooded with a delectable aroma that was fresh brewed coffee. He hadn’t woken up to a fresh cup of coffee since he left home. “Mmmmm..” He inhaled deeply, savoring as much of the scent as he could. A fresh cup of joe with a dash of cinnamon was his favorite way to wake up. His mom had greeted him this way every morning since he was thirteen. It was the one way she knew to make the boy smile, at least briefly, before his usual scowl took over and he went about his day as the loud asshole he was.

He grinned sleepily as he opened his eyes, expecting to find his 4 dark red bedroom walls surrounding him and his mother, coffee cup in hand, and her ‘far too fucking bright for this early’ smile peering down at him.
Only, when he opened his eyes, this wasn’t what he found at all. The only color in his line of sight was green. His breath hitched as he looked over what laid before him, green curls, dark freckles covering lightly tanned shoulders, and back. A bare freckled back. ‘Oh no. This is NOT happening right now,’ Katuki thought as he hesitantly lifted the blanket that covered his waist. Naked. They were naked!

He stared down at his own naked body, his naked dick pressed between two naked freckled ass cheeks, ‘Shit. Shit. Shit. Not good... Why is he in my bed?

What happened? Why does my head hurt so fucking bad???’ That delectable smell hadn’t been his mother’s fresh brewed coffee at all, it was fucking Deku.

Katsuki backed away from the sleeping omega before him until his back was flush against the wall. At this moment he watched an arm, clearly not Izuku’s arm, drape over Izuku’s body. ‘What the FUCK!’ Just when he thought shit was bad, it got even worse. Who the fuck else was in his bed!? He shot up to find a heap of also naked muscles, ending at a sleeping face, covered by a mop of red fucking hair.

‘Fucking Eijiro? What the fuck?’
Katsuki glanced around the room, searching for any sign that might lead to why the fuck these two assholes were naked in his bed with him, when his gaze landed on a damn near empty glass bottle of whiskey.
Well fuck.

That sent all the memories flooding back to his brain in an instant. ‘Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck FUUCKK.’ Wasn’t he mad at these pricks when he started drinking? Wasn’t he alone?

Some spots were fuzzy, but he knew how it ended. He fucked Deku again... while Kirishima fucking watched.... And this time he wasn’t even in rut, and Izuku wasn’t in heat. There wasn’t any biology that forced this to happen. No instincts to blame. Just alcohol and their own fucking stupidity. He fucking scented that nerd. His possessiveness and jealousy were on full fucking display. What would Deku say? Would he expect that shit again? Better fuckin not. ‘What a fucking disaster. I could really use that coffee right about now.’

Katsuki could see the orange and red hues of the sunset peering in through the balcony and looked at his clock, 5:47. It was about dinner time and the extras were going to be looking for these idiots soon. Time for them to get the fuck out.

Katsuki turned his body so his back was to the wall and proceeded to use his feet to push both boys off his bed into a heap on the floor below. “Get the fuck up assholes. Get out of my fucking bed.” The boys hit the ground with a thud, Izuku landing on top of Eijiro. Izuku stuttered and stammered as he retreated and went to stand.

“Oi. You might wanna get dressed, idiot.” Katsuki gestured toward the omega’s naked form. Izuku blushed crimson and scrambled to find his clothes. Eijiro followed suit, once he got his shirt over his head, he opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by a hand covering his face, “Not a fucking word, Shitty Hair. Just forget this shit happened. Got it?” Kirishima nodded and turned to leave with Izuku hot on his tail.

Katsuki slammed the door behind them and threw himself back onto his bed. “When the fuck did I turn into this sex-crazed animal? What the fuck is going on with me?” He pulled at his hair and growled. Sex wasn’t something that he was concerned with at all before. Sure, he had thought about it, but it wasn’t something he seen himself doing anytime soon, especially with another man, and it certainly wasn’t something he seen himself losing all control over. He had goals, being number one hero was top priority, not sex, not finding a mate, not starting a family, and now he’s lost complete control over everything thanks to his goddamn alpha instincts. Shit, a family? That definitely hadn’t crossed his mind before, and now... well he had knotted Izuku a couple different times now, so it was definitely a possibility.

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