Izuku shook away his thoughts and made his way out of the locker room towards the training area. They all sat and listened to the teacher spout some crap about what’s allowed and what’s not, what they’d be doing, and blah blah blah. Not interested. This is bullshit. Once he was done Izuku made his way to his assigned area where he managed to find that damn blonde alpha he wanted desperately to tear to shreds right about now. ‘ Maybe this won’t be so bad. At least I can work through some of this anger. This could actually work out.’  Izuku thought with a smirk plastered on his face.

‘ The nerd doesn’t smirk like that, what the hell is he thinking?’  Katsuki was ready to blow off some steam. He needed this, but there was a nagging voice in the back of his head telling him that Izuku wasn’t the person to take it out on. “Are you sure you’re up for this nerd? Aren’t you still.... Sore and shit?” He whispered the last part, not knowing who was close enough to hear. Not only did Katsuki not want to be heard sounding like he gave a shit, but he also didn’t need anyone questioning why Izuku would be sore at all. That would be bad. 

“Oh, don’t you worry about me Bakugou, I’m just fine. Don’t you dare hold back either. I don’t need your fucking pity today.” Izuku’s smirk grew wider and Katsuki’s mouth dropped. ‘ Did that little shit just call me  Bakugou ? First  Katsuki , now BAKUGOU. What the actual FUCK. This cheeky little shit, he fucking thinks he has a chance against ME?  Oh  like hell.’ 

   Izuku  didn’t give  Katsuki  a chance to lose the look of shock that fell over his face before he was lunging toward the blonde with One  For  All charging through his veins. Flashes of red covered his body and just as they reached the tips of his fingers his fist met that dropped jaw, making an awful  crack  that echoed through the gym as green streaks of lightning surrounded them. 


The hit sent Katsuki tumbling backwards off his feet to the ground. “You little mother fucker! You almost broke my fucking jaw! What the FUCK!” Katsuki jumped up and tackled Izuku. The smaller boy thrashed about trying to get out from under the blonde as he threw punches holding Izuku down by his throat. Izuku bucked his hips as red charged through his legs, successfully throwing Katsuki over his head and in one swift movement he had flipped himself over, landing on top of the other boy. The greenette then started throwing punches himself, straddling the larger boy’s chest, using all his strength to keep him down. He had Katsuki’s arms pinned under his knees and the blonde thrashed his legs upwards trying to wrap them around the other’s chest. Izuku leaned forward avoiding every attempt and continued to pound on the alpha’s face.

  Katsuki finally started using his brain and began setting off explosions, burning Izuku’s legs, resulting in him moving just enough for the blonde to get an arm free. He used this chance to set off an explosion as he slammed his palm into the side of Izuku’s face and the greenette went barreling to the side, landing with a thud against the wall that was a few feet away. Katsuki jumped up, wiped the blood from his lip and stomped over to where the boy laid. “The fuck is wrong with you, asshole! Do you have a fucking death wish or  what!?”  Katsuki grabbed Izuku by the collar and lifted him to his feet.

Despite the terrifying sneer plastered across his face Izuku wasn’t backing down just yet, “Fuck you  BITCH.”  Katsuki slammed Izuku into the wall, bouncing his head off it in the process. “Ahh fuck!” Izuku yelled, then landed an uppercut to Katsuki’s gut. The blonde dropped his hold on Izuku and wrapped both hands around his stomach leaning forward from the force. The greenette used this chance to land a knee to Katsuki’s face and he hit the ground, hard. Izuku jumped back on top of him and started pounding on him again. Katsuki managed to grab one of Izuku’s fists and twisted his wrist. Izuku rolled off of him to his side trying to unwind his hand before the asshole broke it. Not that it’d be the first time, but still. Izuku kicked Katsuki in his side, breaking the blonde’s grasp on his hand. They both went to stand and before they were to their feet Izuku unleashed his Black Whip, wrapping it around Katsuki’s mid-section, tying his arms to his sides.

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