2. to lazy to write the titles

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         At last, the bell sounds for lunch. Everyone jumped from their seats and darted for the door. Except for a devious blonde who decided to linger just long enough to follow behind a certain green haired boy. They were the last ones out of the classroom thanks to Izuku getting lost in his notes causing him to take longer to put his things away. He got up to leave and Katsuki followed close behind. Right before Izuku reached the door Katsuki reached out, stuck two fingers under the edge of the leather collar around Izuku’s neck and ripped him backwards, causing him to fall to the ground on his ass. Confused, Izuku looked up with furrowed brows and muttered a “What the fuck” under his breath as his gaze met that flaming crimson he knew all too well. “The fuck you just say Nerd!?” Katsuki snarled. Izuku scrambled to his feet and just glared at the boy in response. “The fuck ever. What the fuck is this gay shit?” Katsuki asked as he grabbed the collar again with a single finger yanking the smaller boy forward a bit. “It’s a choker Kacchan. Now let me go.” Izuku tried to pull away to no avail. “Tsk. You just like getting your ass whooped or what? Take that shit off or I’ll rip it off myself. You look fucking stupid, Nerd.” Izuku just tried to pull away with no success. He finally placed his hands on Katsuki’s chest and pushed backwards. “No, now FUCK OFF.” This pissed Katsuki off. He slipped his finger out from under the collar and watched as Izuku flew backwards into the teacher’s desk, papers littering the floor from the force the desk was hit. Katsuki chuckled, “So the nerd’s finally ready to stand up for himself huh? We’ll see just how tough you are today after school Deku.” He set off a few small explosions in the palm of his hand before smirking and walking off. Izuku got up and cleaned up the mess. He shook his head and said to himself, “That didn’t take long. Fucking collar......Owell, here we go I guess.” He rolled his eyes, grabbed his bag, and set off towards the lunch room.

   “Hey Deku! Over here!” Uraraka called out with her hand waving in the air. She was sitting next to Iida, and Todoroki was across from him. To her left was an empty seat with a tray full of food. “Hey Ochaco!” Izuku says with a wave as he makes his way over. “I got you some lunch since I didn’t see you when we were in line. Why were you so late? Is everything ok?” She asks as she pats the seat next to him to sit down. “Oh no, no. Everything is fine. Just had a small run in with Kacchan before I was able to get out of class. Thank you for the food Ochaco! You didn’t have to do that.” He says as he waves his hands in front of him and he sits down at the table. “Oh good grief!” She exclaims, “are you sure you’re ok? What's his problem this time?”

“He doesn’t seem to like my new choker is all. I’m fine really,” he says as he digs in to his plate.

“What!? Oh screw him! What does he care anyways? I think it’s super cool! It makes your eyes stand out” she replies as a small blush spread across her cheeks. In a whisper he replies, “honestly, it’s a new support item my mom came up with. It’s an omega collar. It hides my scent and suppresses my heats until I take it off. I don’t care too much for it but I guess it will come in handy in a school full of alphas and betas.” He blushed slightly at admitting what it was. He wasn’t too proud of walking around with something around his throat that made him look like someone’s pet.

“No way! That’s amazing! Your mom is so smart! I can’t believe she came up with something like that for you!” She exclaimed, a little too loudly for Izuku’s liking. Todoroki and Iida both looked over questioningly, “What’s amazing?” Todoroki asked. “Izuku shot Uraraka a glace and replied, “oh just some of the new support items my mom has come up with lately. Nothing too interesting.” he gave them both one of his big goofy grins and tried to play it off like it was nothing. Todoroki raised his eyebrow giving a weary glance but shrugged it off and they both went back to eating. Uraraka gave Izuku an apologetic smile and rubbed the back of her neck, “sorry deku, I just got a little over excited. That’s just so amazing! You’ll be so much safer now. Especially with your first ‘you know what,’” she whispered then shot him a wink and a genuine smile. “It’s fine. I just don’t want everyone to know what it is. The less that know, the better. I especially don’t want a certain hotheaded alpha to find out. It’s bad enough him thinking it’s just some lame choker. He’d think I was so weak if he knew what it actually was,” he said with a frown. “Your secret's safe with me Deku!” Uraraka shot him a smile and went back to her lunch. 

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