Katsuki made his was down stairs to the kitchen, deciding that he would make something for the omega to eat. Obviously, he couldn’t walk so feeding himself wasn’t fucking possible right now, and he couldn’t have the shitty nerd starve to death on his watch. That wouldn’t be very heroic of him. So, he got to work chopping and dicing. He did enjoy cooking after all, so it wasn’t all bad. Once he finished, he put everything on a tray and made his way back up to his room. He had a few hours before anyone would be home so he decided to leave the cleaning for later. He had a pathetic omega upstairs that the alpha in him screamed to get back to. Fucking stupid instincts.

  Katsuki kicked the door open only to find the damn omega sleeping once again, cuddled up in the nest he made himself on Katsuki’s bed. Katsuki set the tray on the table and sat down next to the sleeping nerd. He roughly shook Izuku awake, “Oi, Deku!” Izuku lifted his head from his nest, and nearly jumped completely into the air at the sight of Katsuki so close to him. This was of course extremely painful, which causes him to go from complete terror to miserable in pain in 2.5 seconds. He whimpered and curled back up. “Fuck, uh, Deku, I got you food. You need to eat.” Izuku reluctantly sat back up, this time a lot slower than before, trying to avoid causing himself any more pain than he felt already, “Oh, uh, thank you. You didn’t have to do that.” 

“Well I can’t very well let you starve to death in my bed asshole. It wouldn’t look good on my part.” Katsuki shifted to the other side of the bed, realizing he was way too close for comfort. He grabbed the tray off the table and handed it to Izuku. “Here, eat.” Izuku took the tray and slowly went to take a bite, he paused. He almost acted as if it was poisoned. It did come from Katsuki after all. Katsuki was watching him closely, and as if reading his mind he tsk’ed and rolled his eyes. “It’s not poisoned asshole, here,” he leaned over and took the bite off the spoon Izuku was holding. Immediately he realized what he did and turned 5 shades of red instantly, Izuku’s face flushed just as red, if not darker. Widened red eyes met widened green for a quick second before they both looked away, completely embarrassed. Izuku sat frozen, the now empty spoon still held in the air. Hesitantly he spoke up, “I, um, I didn’t mean-” He was cut off. “Not a word. Just eat so you can get the fuck out of here. This is getting more awkward by the fucking second.” “Yea, uh, ok,” Izuku managed to spit out as dipped his spoon back into the bowl and fished out another bite. 

“Wow, Kacchan, this is delicious!”

“Well no shit asshole, did you think I couldn’t fucking cook or something?”

“Oh, no, that’s uh, that’s not what I meant. I just didn’t know you could cook this well. It’s amazing!!”

“Tsk. Whatever.” Katsuki looked away as a grin crept up on his face, his cheeks dusted a light pink. He was used to the constant praise from the nerd, why did this affect him like this?

Izuku finished his delicious homemade meal that the explosive blonde made for him and tried to get to his feet to retreat to his room, knowing he had at least one more wave of his heat coming today. As he got to his feet though, they crumbled from under him as if made of putty. He didn’t want to admit it, or even think about it, but Katsuki had definitely done a number on his ass. He couldn’t walk. It was so painful. It had been his first time and it was most certainly not supposed to be that rough the first time around. He was sure of it, because this, this pain, it was damn near unbearable. Katsuki watched as Izuku slumped to the ground and reached out to help him back up.

  Izuku’s face flamed as he thought of the events from the night before. God, he was so embarrassed, so ashamed. Mostly ashamed that he enjoyed it so much. Ugh, how disgusting he felt knowing that. Katsuki obviously noticed the blush that spread to the greenette’s ears, leaving him looking like a fucking strawberry and he was confused. “What?” But as soon as he said it, he knew, “fuck, nevermind, I don’t want to know. Are you ok? I mean, fuck. This is so fucked up. I fucking hate you, why am I being nice to you!?” He said this more for himself than Izuku but it just kind of came out, staring at that bright red flushed face made him so uncomfortable and he didn’t understand it. He was starting to ramble like the nerd did and it was fucking weird. “Look, just fucking lay back down. There’s still a few more hours ‘til the extras get home and I've got a mess to clean up downstairs, so just sleep. You fucking need it obviously. I’ll uh, I guess I'll help your worthless ass back to your room before everyone gets here.” He stared at the floor the whole time he spoke, not willing to make eye contact once. 

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