1. Collar

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Blow after blow rain down, eliciting wails of pain. It hurts but, he can’t move, he can’t fight back. It’s terrifying. “St-stop Kacchan, P-please stop. It hurts!”  Katsuki slams his fists into Izuku’s body as he falls to the ground. “Tsk. Fuckin nerd. When are you gonna grow a pair and actually fight back?”  He  lands a kick to the  boy’s  side  then  squats down and grabs Izuku by the  throat  bringing him to eye level. “So weak. So pathetic. Just a useless ,  quirkless omega ...  Fucking disgusting.” He lets go of the boy’s  throat  and watches as he falls limp to the ground. He delivers one final blow to the side of Izuku’s head, setting off an explosion as his fist makes contact. 


Izuku shoots up from his pillow, drenched in sweat, gasping for air. He finally grasps that this horror he just experienced isn’t reality, but yet a memory, disguised as a dream. He reaches over to silence the irritating noise coming from his alarm clock. “What the fuck...these nightmares have got to stop...” He says as he brings his hands to his face to try and calm himself before he starts his day. Today is Izuku’s first day of his last year at UA High School. 

“This is my last year. I’m 18 for Christ’s sake. It’s time to put an end to this torture..... Fuck him.”  Izuku leaps from his bed and takes off for a nice hot shower to properly wake himself up. Once dressed, he combs through his wet curls in attempt to tame the unruly locks. “Ugh.. This will have to do... What time is it?” He looks back at his alarm and realizes he has 20 minutes to be out the door. “Shit,” he mumbles to himself, “Still gotta finish getting ready and eat. Can’t forget my tie....ugh.. And that,” He looks over to a small white box sitting on his dresser. He continues to mutter to himself as he finishes getting ready, then heads over to the dresser and grabs the box. Begrudgingly he pops the lid off and stares at its contents. Inside lays a small black leather collar. He grabs it out, throws the box back on the dresser, and clasps it around his neck. As he stares in the mirror one last statement leaves his lips before taking off downstairs to greet his mother for breakfast, “This is for your own good Izuku. It looks like a choker. Nobody will even question it.” It was a nice thought anyways.

  Izuku is an omega. His mother, also being an omega, works in the hero support field inventing gadgets to help omega heroes succeed. Her newest item being a collar for omegas to wear that hides their scent and suppresses heats as long as they’re worn. Izuku is basically his mother’s lab rat and is forced to try her new gadgets as they come along. This one in particular he is torn on. It’s embarrassing, but considering he just turned 18 and will be experiencing his first heat soon, it’s for his own good. But still, wearing that god awful thing in public, he’s just asking to get tormented,  especially  by the one and only Katsuki Bakugou. It’s a black leather choker for crying out loud. He’s not exactly one to wear jewelry, especially something like this. Though, being the only omega in a school full of alphas and betas is just asking for trouble if he refuses. 

Izuku bids his mother good morning, grabs some toast and an apple and darts out the door, not wanting to be late for his first day. He walks along, keeping an eye out for the blonde bully that haunts his nightmares, praying he makes it to school without getting his ass kicked for once. He makes it to the front gate, takes a deep breath and mumbles to himself, “It’s a new year Izuku. No more taking his shit. You’ve got this. Just tell him to fuck off. Maybe he will back off if I show a little backbone. Maybe he will just move on to someone new. You have a quirk now. You’re stronger now. He  can’t  beat you anymore if you just stand up to him... Ugh.. Stupid alpha prick.” And with that he pushes himself to walk inside, half ass believing what he told himself.

Meanwhile, a certain blonde alpha is already in class, kicked back in his seat with his hands behind his head, staring out the window, lost in his thoughts. “Hey Bakubro! How was your summer?” Kirishima walked in greeting him instantly with his big toothy grin plastered on his face. Katsuki scowls instantly but doesn’t take his gaze from the window for even a second. “Fuck off Shitty Hair, it’s too early.” Kiri walks up to him unfazed and slaps him on the back. “It’s good to see you too Blasty!” Katsuki shoots him a ‘ touch me again and I’ll kill you’    look along with a small growl until Kiri retreats to his seat.

Katsuki is  actually  in a pretty good mood this morning, despite the fake attitude. He got up early, took his morning jog, showered, got ready, ate a good breakfast, and got out of the house early enough to be the first one in the classroom. He was just enjoying the quiet before the storm that was Class  3 -A and Shitty Hair just happened to be the first one to interrupt his silence. In all honesty, he’s glad Kirishima was the first one in the room. He  is  the boy’s best friend after all. Kiri is also an alpha, and a strong one at that. Of course ,  nobody compares to  the  Katsuki Bakugou  though.  Nonetheless Katsuki respects his strength and he’s a good match for the explosive blonde in combat considering he can take all the shit he throws his way, even if he  is  just a little too giddy for Katsuki’s liking.

One by one the rest of the class filed in and took their seats, assigned seats. Katsuki is not thrilled by this. This year he was placed at the back of the class to the left of Izuku and that just makes him livid.  ‘Why can’t he just fuck off already? Hasn’t he had enough of getting his ass kicked? He’s not cut out to be a hero, even with his stupid borrowed quirk. Fucking shitty nerd.’  Katsuki huffed and rolled his eyes as Izuku made his way to the seat beside him.

This year Izuku is trying a new approach. He’s not going to try to be nice to his childhood friend, nope, he’s just going to ignore him until he’s provoked. Then, well, I guess we will see if he has grown a pair or not. He’s still unsure if he’s able to stand up to him. Not talking to him will be hard enough. He just wishes Katsuki would grow up already and leave him be. ‘ This is going to be a long day.’  Izuku thought to himself and let out a long sigh. Katsuki took this as his chance to fuck with the boy so he got a smirk on his face and turned in his chair to face the green haired teen. Before he could even mutter a word his gaze caught the collar on Izuku’s neck and his eyes blew wide, then narrowed as his smirk reformed. At that moment the bell rang and the teacher walked in. Unfortunately, before the blonde even had a chance to give the kid shit, he was being yelled at to turn around and shut up. “I didn’t even fucking say anything!” he yelled. “Language Bakugou! Ok class, welcome back! I hope you all are ready for your last year of high school. My name is Jooryoku Isan and I am your homeroom teacher for this year. Everyone will be moving back into the dorms today. You’ll be released after lunch so you can get settled. Now, let’s get started!” Jooryoku clapped his hands together as he leaned back against his desk with one foot crossed over the other. Katsuki ‘Tsk’ed’ and the rest of the class greeted him with smiles and ‘nice to meet you’s’ before class officially started for the day.

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