20. yay

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Class on Friday morning was extremely awkward to say the least. The two teens spent their suspension avoiding each other like the plague, despite the constant opposition of a certain red-headed alpha. Eijiro was getting quite irritated with the two if he was being completely honest. After a series of heated arguments with Katsuki, he decided he was scenting that damn omega again whether the blonde complied or not. Izuku wasn’t exactly on board with it either, but Kiri was having none of it. His friends were just too stubborn. He figured the two would likely die before giving in, and since they refused to let anyone in on their sick, fucked up secret, it was up to him to take care of them to the best of his abilities.

One major flaw in his plan though was the fact he went to school those three days reeking of a bitter-sweet omega. A scent his classmates knew all too well. This led to some fierce rumors running rampant through the class. Luckily, everyone was so fixated on the fact Kirishima smelt so heavily of Midoriya that nobody seemed to notice the hint of Katsuki’s scent mixed in there. Whether Eijiro’s thick, musky scent covered it, or they were already used to the two alpha’s smelling of each other from the constant contact, it was a relief. Rumors of him and Midoriya being together was difficult enough to deal with.

Eijiro may have been just a little too embarrassed to share the rumors with Izuku before he returned to class.


He really should have told him. Izuku turned red as a tomato the first time he over-heard someone talking about ‘Kiridoriya’ and realized what exactly they meant by that.

Then there was Katsuki, who from the outside looked indifferent and bored with the whole topic, but inside, inside he was fuming. Kirishima continued to scent Izuku even after several arguments between the two alphas about it. He had tried not to care, but he just couldn’t help it. Then the fact their whole class thought his best friend (again, term used loosely here at the moment) and his worst enemy were dating. Ugh, disgusting. He felt betrayed, furious, mortified. He felt... like maybe, just maybe, since everyone else was so convinced, maybe it just might be true. This thought alone made his blood boil. He tried to stay calm. He tried to stay indifferent. He tried, ok? But he evidently fucking lost it.

  The bell rang signaling the end of first period and suddenly Kirishima found himself being captured and forced into a storage closet by two very pissed off classmates. He tried to play it off like he wasn’t at all nervous, but failed pretty badly. A fake grin spread wide across his face, rubbing his neck anxiously as he greeted the two, “H-hey guys! What’s up? H-how's-” Katsuki and Izuku interrupted simultaneously, one screaming about him scenting the omega after clearly being told not to, and the other screaming about why the hell the class thought they were dating.

He really, really should have told them. Thankfully, Alpha Eijiro took over and growled ferociously at the two, basically saying ‘Back the fuck up!’

  Izuku backed down a bit, letting a small whimper leave his lips, ‘fucking omega instincts’, but Katsuki of course took this as a challenge, growling in return before sending a blast to the red-head's chest. Eijiro hardened enough to stay unharmed, though unfortunately, he couldn’t say the same about his uniform. “Hey! What the hell! You’re replacing that B!”

“Fuck you Shitty Hair, fucking explain!”

  Eijiro waved his hands frantically in front of him and set his gaze as far away from theirs as possible, “Okay, okay, okay. I probably should have told you guys about the rumors, and I told you I wasn’t going to stop scenting him Bakugou. You two wouldn’t talk, what was I supposed to do!?”

Izuku chimed in, “Wait, you told him not to scent me? What makes you think you have the right to make a decision like that Bakugou?” Katsuki’s eyebrows raised into his hairline, somehow just now aware of Izuku’s presence.

Sick And Twisted Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora