"I'm guessing you're not here to tell me you're finished with my schoolyard, so what are you bothering me for?" Aizawa sat at his desk glaring at the blonde sitting in front of him.

"It'll get done Old Man! Back off! But no, I'm here because I've decided on my hero name." Katsuki crossed his arms and looked away, fucking old man always has to talk shit.

"Oh goody, and it doesn't have to do with murder or death or anything fucking ridiculous like that right?" Aizawa rested his chin on his palm, he needed a nap, it's been an exhausting day.

"No asshole, but King Explosion Murder was a great fucking hero name. I don't know why the fuck you guys were so bent out of shape about it," Katsuki grumbled. He paused briefly, then stared intently at his sensei, "Boom. My hero name is Boom."

Aizawa raised an eyebrow as he considered the boy's request, "Boom huh? Ok. I can handle that. It took you long enough. You're sure right? Once I print this on your license there's no going back."

"Of course I'm fucking sure! I wouldn't have come down here if I wasn't!" Katsuki rolled his eyes and stood from his seat, "That's all I wanted, just let me know when it's ready or whatever. I'm outta here."

"Alright Bakugou, now go get my schoolyard done. I'm tired of looking at it."

"Tch. Damn it Aizawa I said back off. I'll go start on it now. Fuck." Katsuki shoved his hands in the pockets of his shorts and walked out.


"So, Izuku, we should probably talk about last night, huh?" Kirishima was kicked back on Izuku's futon. He had just gotten back from his meeting with Aizawa and couldn't seem to get his mind off the night before. Things were starting to get more serious in what was supposed to be a "fake relationship". A fake relationship with his best friend's mate. It was obvious their relationship was putting a strain on his and Katsuki's friendship, but his feelings towards Izuku were getting stronger each day and it just wasn't something he could avoid any longer. He felt conflicted. On one hand, he hoped Izuku was feeling the same way he was, on the other, he knew he was out of line and needed to stop these feelings in their tracks. Katsuki was obviously not happy with a fake relationship so he definitely wouldn't be ok with them actually dating. Hell, he had hardly talked to Katsuki over the past few weeks at all. It was painfully obvious the blonde was still pissed at him.

Everything was so fucked up, but Izuku made him happy. That had to count for something right?

"Yea, you're probably right. Things were escalating quite quickly last night huh?" Izuku was sitting on his bed lacing up his shoes. He had decided to go out training. He had too much on his mind to just sit in place, he had to get out of the dorms and go do something.

Kirishima went and sat next to Izuku, placing his hand on the greenette's knee, "Yea... So, I've been thinking, I really like you, Izuku. I know this is supposed to be fake, for your's and B's sake, but I can't help but think there's something here. I'm not asking for an answer right now, but I'd like you to think about maybe making this for real."

Izuku's eyes widened in surprise, he should have been expecting that, but really he wasn't. "I-I, um, y-yea, I feel the same way. I just, Kacchan is already upset about this whole thing. He just started talking to us again yesterday. He's your best friend Eijiro, and he's been avoiding you completely for weeks. I don't want to come between your guys' friendship. You two have been inseparable for years and now you haven't spoken in weeks, because of me." Though Izuku wasn't entirely sure how he felt about Katsuki at the moment, he knew Eijiro was having a hard time with the stress they were causing the blonde with their relationship, fake or not. He really did feel deeply for the red-head, but was that worth breaking up a friendship of over 2 years? He really wasn't sure. He felt guilty enough as it was.

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