8. i feel.motivated to keeo writjng (stupid typos)

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“Oh you have got to be fucking kidding me right now... Oi, Nerd, what the fuck are you doing!?” Katsuki sneered as he stood up and kicked the boy’s shoe trying to wake him.

  Nothing, he got no answer. 

  He rolled his eyes. “Tsk....fuck. Wake up fucker.” He shook Izuku’s shoulders, but got nothing more than a pained wince from the omega. Katsuki knew it wasn’t good he was out here. He knew he was in heat, the hallway was thick with his scent. It wasn’t as strong as before but it was strong enough that the alpha knew he needed to get Izuku back in his room quickly, or this was going to end badly all over again. Unfortunately, he knew there was only one way he was going to get him there. He sighed, clicked his tongue, and proceeded to pick the omega up, not so gently tossing him over his shoulder. 

“You little fucker. You’re so gonna pay for this later.” Katsuki walked to the end of the hall and grabbed for the handle that led to Izuku’s room. Locked. Fuck. This just keeps getting better and better. What now? There was nowhere else to go, and he sure as fuck wasn’t rummaging through that nerds fucking pockets. Nope, not fucking happening. So he did the only thing he could think of, turned around and walked one door over muttering curses the whole way. He unlocked his door and threw it open. The blonde tossed the greenette on his bed. He crossed his arms and stared for a moment, knowing this was bad. He could feel his instincts wanting to react. The omega’s scent was getting to him, so he decided it was best if he got out of there for now. He changed his clothes in the bathroom into some gym shorts and a black tank top and locked the door behind him as he left the room. Just in case. God forbid anyone walked into his room looking for him and found that bastard asleep on his bed. That would be a fucking disaster. He shook his head, as if it would shake away all the fucked up thoughts he kept having, and made his way outside to go for a jog.

Once out on the track he could instantly feel all the stress melt away. He forgot everything in those moments, the regret from last night, the anger from this morning, the very brief moment of instinct driven lust as he eyed the sleeping omega on his bed, that amazing fucking scent that filled the whole floor of the boy’s dorms, and now his bedroom. Everything was now gone. Running always cleared his mind, even if only momentarily.

  It helped. It always helped. 

  He jogged a good 45 minutes before he was worn out completely. He was going on fumes to begin with so he was grateful he lasted that long. He flung himself down in the grass while he caught his breath and laid there for a while. 

Finally, he decided it was time to deal with the asshole who was most likely still in his bed. He rolled his eyes at the thought, jumped up and walked off towards the dorms. He stopped in the kitchen for a snack and another water bottle since his was so rudely flung from his grasp and forgotten upstairs. He ate in peace, which was wonderful, finished his drink, and tossed it in the trash as he headed back towards his room. Katsuki unlocked his door and flung it open. Sure enough the damn nerd was still passed the fuck out on his bed. Only now he was huddled up in the corner surrounded by pillows, blankets, and sheets. The fucker had made a nest out of Katsuki’s bedding in his sleep.

“Tch. Fucking seriously?” He kicked the bed frame. Still no movement. This is getting ridiculous. The nerd was seriously this exhausted? He half smirked thinking, ‘ of course the fucker is exhausted, I obviously fucked him senseless last night.’  He immediately shook his head, trying to shake away the fucked-up thought. ‘ What the fuck, no. Gross.’  

   Suddenly a full-blown devious smirk arose on his face as he got an idea. He walked back out of the room and retrieved the water bottle that had gotten thrown down the hallway. He walked back in his room, kicking the door shut behind him and walked up to the bed. His mischievous grin grew as he opened the bottle and proceeded to dump it onto the sleeping omega’s head. “Oi, Asshole. Wake the fuck up.” Izuku shot up quickly, eyes wide, searching around trying to figure out where he was. His eyes eventually landed on the blonde and as soon as emerald met crimson, he knew he was in trouble.

“Kacchan? What the hell, why am I here?” He was confused, frightened, and oh so fucking sore. What was going on? Why was he in Kacchan’s room? Why was he huddled into a nest on his bully’s bed? Wait, a NEST? What the fuck. Oh no, oh no no no. The omega just knew he was about to get his ass whooped, and he was in no condition to stand up for himself today. Not with all the pain he was in. Fuck...

“I fucking came upstairs and your stupid ass was passed the fuck out on the hallway floor. Care to explain what the fuck you were doing? You’re in heat dumbass, that’s not very fucking smart.” Katsuki shifted from one foot to the other, arms still folded across his chest. He was irritated, the scent in his room was strong and was quickly souring due to Deku’s anxious state. He placed his hand over his nose and mouth, “Fucking control your scent shitty nerd, you’re fucking killing me here.”

Izuku’s face flamed bright red, “I-I’m sorry..” He tried his best to calm himself and rein in his scent, though there wasn’t a whole lot he could do since he was in heat. All he managed was returning it from it’s sour state back to his delectable ‘omega in heat’ state, which for Katsuki, really wasn’t any better. It was honestly worse considering how affected by it he was. “I uh, I was trying to go get something to eat. I h-haven't eaten since lunch yesterday and have only drank from the sink in my bathroom. I figured while everyone was gone I’d be able to eat, but obviously I didn’t make it very far.” His nervous stuttering quickly faded out as he dropped his gaze to his lap, feeling more comfortable staring anywhere but those intense, fiery eyes that seemed to pierce straight through his soul.

“The fuck, moron, you haven’t eaten since yesterday? Why the fuck didn’t you have one of those fucking extras bring something up to you or some shit?”

“Kacchan, I didn’t exactly want anyone coming to my room seeing me like this, I didn’t want to have to explain or make anyone worry. Plus, me being in heat, it probably would only end badly.”

The blonde looked away as he sighed, the idiot was right, everyone would ask questions, and he didn’t want that. He didn’t want anyone finding out what actually happened, and while Katsuki actually looked like he had just gotten into a fight, Izuku was a whole different story. He looked like he was beaten and raped, and with the blonde’s explosive attitude, and his track record for beating on the nerd, they would totally assume that’s what happened, and fuck if he was going to have any of that shit. It was instinct, and while neither one of them had wanted it to happen, it definitely wasn’t one sided. Katsuki Bakugou may be an asshole, but he has morals, he’s definitely no fucking rapist. 

Since Katsuki was obviously lost in thought, once again Izuku decided to speak up, “I, uh, I should probably get back to my room.... I’m sure you’re sick of me being in your bed.” Izuku took another look at the bed and glanced up at the blonde, “I’ll uh, here, I’ll fix your bed before I go. I’m sorry about that, I must have done this in my sleep.” He went to get up and stumbled, almost falling over. Katsuki caught the omega by the waist, “Oi, dumbass sit down. Don’t uh, don’t worry about the bed, it’s fine. I’ll have to wash everything to get your stink off it anyways. Just, uh, just stay here, I'll be right back.” Katsuki realized he was still holding the nerd’s waist as he finished speaking and lightly shoved Izuku back onto the bed. Izuku landed with an ‘oomph’ and just stared in shock at the alpha as he walked away. “Uh, ok Kacchan...”

Katsuki wasn’t quite sure what had come over him. It was strange. Was that empathy he was feeling? The Katsuki Bakugou felt  bad for the nerd? Fuck no, no way that was what was happening. Though, the damn kid hadn’t eaten in twenty four hours strictly because of what the blonde had done to him. 

Ok, maybe he did feel a little guilty... maybe...

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