22 ya boiiiiiii

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Katsuki sat on his bed, hands dug into his blonde locks. He felt so many emotions in that moment that it was unbearable. Regret, jealousy, rage, sadness; there were so many he felt like his head was spinning. He briefly thought about grabbing Deku’s shirt that Kiri had given him, but the scent was fading, it wouldn’t be enough. He’s going to have to ask the bastard to get him another one. Damn it. So instead of relying on some stupid shirt, or lowering his pride enough to go ask for another one after the scene he just caused, he reached under his bed and pulled out a glass bottle filled with a dark amber liquid. He swirled the bottle around a few times before fully making up his mind. He had never drank before, but today seemed as good a day as any to start.

Katsuki had went to visit his parents last night, he needed to get away. He used the excuse that he had forgotten a few things he needed at his dorm, because like hell was he going to admit he just wanted to be home. Then he got a mischievous glint in his eye as he watched his father fill a short glass about half way with ice and whiskey. He smirked and traipsed off to his bedroom, waiting for his parents to go to sleep. He found an older bottle, almost completely full, toward the back of his dad’s liquor cabinet. One he knew they’d never miss. He slipped it in his bag and that was that.

The blonde grabbed one of the glasses he kept on his desk, dropped a few pieces of ice into it from the mini fridge by his dresser, then filled it with whiskey, just as he watched his dad do many times before. If this was how his dad drank it then it must be the best way, right? He stared for a few moments before muttering “fuck it” and downing the glass in one swig. He proceeded to cough and gag at the burn it left as it went down his throat. ‘A little harsher than I expected but not so bad.’
He drank another glass. Then another.

It was precisely fifteen minutes before that amber liquid had kicked his ass. Katsuki was laying back on his bed, watching the ceiling spin above him. He felt like he was floating. ‘No wonder my dad drinks this shit. This is great!’ He grabbed his phone out of his pocket to check the time, having to close one eye because, double vision is definitely a thing when you’re drunk. He looked at the screen to find it was 10am. Fuck. He can’t leave his room like this, he’s not even sure he can walk like this. Drinking for the first time ever at ten o’clock in the morning was probably not a good idea, but the swarm of god-awful emotions were gone so he couldn’t exactly find too much wrong with it. It was so nice to feel this care free, to feel this good. ‘One more glass couldn’t hurt... right?’ The blonde smirked and sat up, noticing the room spinning slightly faster as he did. He stumbled over to the table where his glass and the bottle sat, plopping down on the futon. Walking was definitely iffy right now, a challenge even. He poured one more glass, messily, and downed it. Sipping that shit was for pussies. Katsuki was no pussy, so down it went.
Eijiro was downstairs with Izuku, finishing their movie, when suddenly his phone went off.

B- Hgey broo. Om hungfrhdjy. Foiod?? MmmMmmm

“What the hell?” Kirishima was utterly confused. Katsuki wasn’t one to start a conversation through text. Not to mention he couldn’t understand what the hell he was trying to say. Something about food maybe? What the fuck.

Kiri- Uhh what?

B- Neeeed fgofod. Hungry. Cassntt walk. Heerwlllp.

Kiri- Dude? Wtf? You’re hungry?





Kiri busted into a fit of giggles, ‘What the hell is this dude on?’

Izuku looked at him unquestioningly, “what's so funny?”

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